MovieChat Forums > Circle (2015) Discussion > If you could pick any 3 to survive...

If you could pick any 3 to survive...

Whom would you pick?

The pregnant gal
The child
The Marine
The Cop
The Gangbanger
The Asian teen
The banker
The cancer survivor
The long hair guy
The fake husband
The fake wife
The porn queen
The black Doctor
The Lesbian
The Mexican mother
The 16 yr old Shawn
The black dude
The guy who never voted
The corporate dude
The Priest

Conservatives hate what people do -- Liberals hate who people are.


the child, the pregnant girl and the mexican immigrant


I can't see anyone with morals answering this. We don't know ANY of them. Sure we got a few glimpses of a criminal and a banker, but overall, we're not making educated decisions.

The only viable option would be the man who didn't speak. Now, Eric said he never saw him vote (may or may not be true) and if he's correct, that silent man is the ONLY decent person. Everyone else had a hand in someone's death, directly or not. Everyone else voted at least once.

We've met before, haven't we?


I've got a really hard time choosing three among:

1) The graduate student translating for the Spanish-speaking man
2) One-armed guy
3) Little girl
4) Middle-aged big man in a suit, who sacrificed himself for Shaun

I would be tempted to save Silent Man, but I've come to think he's possibly deaf, not morally choosing to abstain from voting. Istinctively, I've got a soft spot for the couple having an affair and the Indian middle-aged woman.


The child, the one armed man, and the marine.


Shawn and the two black persoms having the affair


Child (truly brave for sacrificing herself for the unborn baby)
Shaun (again brave for sacrificing himself)
Pregnant Lady (lol I couldn't kill a pregnant lady)


The child, the pregnant lady, and the quiet man who never voted.


It's impossible to pick anyone, because every human being has an intrinsic value that isn't based on anything a person has / hasn't done or qualities such as age, race, gender, disability etc.

If I were in the circle myself, knowing that all except one are going to die, I would volunteer to be put to death because I already have an eternal life.

Oh, and before volunteering I would share the gospel with the others.


The black guy who sacrificed for shaun
The little girl

I'd probably say that i'd also save the lesbian. She seemed a nice person after all.
