MovieChat Forums > Circle (2015) Discussion > If you could pick any 3 to survive...

If you could pick any 3 to survive...

Whom would you pick?

The pregnant gal
The child
The Marine
The Cop
The Gangbanger
The Asian teen
The banker
The cancer survivor
The long hair guy
The fake husband
The fake wife
The porn queen
The black Doctor
The Lesbian
The Mexican mother
The 16 yr old Shawn
The black dude
The guy who never voted
The corporate dude
The Priest

Conservatives hate what people do -- Liberals hate who people are.


The Marine, because I liked him.

The long haired guy with the beard because he was funny.

The young girl because she was totally innocent. (the unborn baby was also innocent, but unborn, so...)


The man who never voted.

The soldier.

The woman who spoke Spanish since she was the best-looking. Speaking of that, it would've been funny if they decided to use who was good-looking as a reason for someone to survive. Like they would vote for the uglier people first.


The young girl, the pregant woman and the soldier to protect them. Easy. 

When I'm gone I would like something to be named after me. A psychiatric disorder, for example.


I can't choose because in the first place I don't really know any of them. Secondly I do not want to play God.

Schrodinger's cat walks into a bar and doesn't.


Not sure who I would pick as the third survivor after the child and pregnant woman. I would probably pick one of the teens. I see the majority of people above picked a nonwhite ADULT as their third and some of you picked two, even, along with the child , not giving the pregnant woman a chance. Seems a lot of people on here are using the race card for no reason. Why does the immigrant deserve to live over the other adults who were actually doing nice things for others? Why is the gay woman and the nice black adults better than the nice white adults. I personally would have a hard time making the decision when only choosing among the adults, but it appears a lot of you figured anyone who wasn't straight and white should get it.


You are truly delusional and/or trolling in the most transparent and unimaginative ways.


My issue with picking the girl to live without her mother is...she will basically have to try to survive in the world by herself (or risk what Erik feared for a while at the end, that even after killing everyone nothing happens... which would mean a little girl would be stuck in that room alone until she committed suicide or died some other way).

Now, that is not to say someone else wouldn't come along to protect her (the marine? someone else who survived?) just that it's a much bigger risk having the girl by herself than the mother with her baby (which she knows how it goes, since she's already delivered once).

I wouldn't vote and hopefully I'd be like Shaun or the black guy in the suit who stepped forward before Shaun, or the silent man (at least in theory) who never voted.


Child, pregnant woman and asian guy

We crash into each other, just so we can feel something.


I was happy with the ending we got, even if Eric was obviously not the most morally upright person in the film. This genuinely fooled me though

Death Awaits (Horror forum)


Apparently though he was the smartest.

Schrodinger's cat walks into a bar and doesn't.


The little girl, the pregnant woman and the doctor to help deliver the baby and to be able to help more people.


I'd only pick one.

The marine.

Now this is simple, these aliens have come to Earth and decided to kill off 98% of the population, or over 7 billion people.

That's genocide on a scale never before seen in human history, and an act of war if I ever saw one.

Forget about survival, almost all of us in that room are dead. Retaliation is all that matters, and the marine is the best shot out of all the people in that room right then of getting back at the aliens.

Sure, what's he going to do? Throw sticks at them? I'd have no way of knowing but I'd know that he's a trained killer and I'm not. Beyond that, the more soldiers that come out of those ships alive the bigger our military is as a species so even if he as an individual can't hurt them, collectively if he's released along with others, they might.

The bigger our military is the bigger a representation of our species it will be and we'll need to become disciplined and militarised if we're to have a chance at getting back at our killers. The higher the soldiers rank, the more priority in survival he has and fortunately they all tend to have their rank emblazoned on their uniforms so they can't really lie about it.

The long game is our species will need the strongest and the most mentally disciplined to survive and lead, to develop a militarized society intent on revenge against the invaders (think Rome with a hardon for destroying aliens). Scientists and other highly intelligent individuals should also be given priority, knowing the aliens managed to get to Earth means we also know there's a way we can get to wherever they came from.

Knowing is half the battle. Once we develop the technology to get off Earth we can focus on spreading out, building our strength and finding them. When we find them, we study them as carefully as we can until we get an idea for their capabilities and their technology, we employ Sun Tzu's methodology patiently and methodically. Once we know our enemy, we hurt them with everything we've got and leave no room for them to get revenge against us. It's kill or be killed.

Assuming humanity survived this and prevailed, it would answer the question of what sort of universe we're living in - a hostile one, where domination is the name of the game and Gene Roddenberry got it all wrong. We'd have to be like the Empire out of Star Wars, rather than the United Federation of Planets if we wanted to make it.

Why the aliens would devastate a species and then leave them alive to get revenge in the long run is another question, maybe they think we'll thank them for depopulating the Earth for us? Doesn't really matter, I'd certainly say it's a cause humanity could unite behind.
