MovieChat Forums > Logan (2017) Discussion > Is Wolverine absolutely, definitely, wit...

Is Wolverine absolutely, definitely, without a shadow of a doubt, 100% dead?

I really don't think so. Honestly I think they can still bring him back. His death didn't seen definitive to me, he only got impaled and stabbed a lot of times, Wolverine has recovered from stuff like that loads of times in the past. Yes, I know his powers are much weaker now, but I don't think theyre gone altogether. So long as the kids removed the piece of wood sticking in him I see no reason why he can't slowly heal.

Basically, I think the writers are playing safe here. Yes, Logan is dead in this franchise at the moment, but it doesn't seem 100% final. It's as though they've left a glimmer of hope should they want Jackman to return at some point in some small capacity.

If they'd wanted to finish him off for good they'd have had him get decapitated by X24, who also had adimantium in his body. They could have heated his admantium up like they showed in The Wolverine film in Japan, then let him cut Wolverine's head off with it.



I think there's a 70% chance he's really dead. c;
They could still bring him back if they really wanted him to, but since Jackman said he was done, and they did bury the body, it seems unlikely.


Hmm? I'm in agreement with @LeiaOfLothlorien. I'd say there's about a 70% chance of him being really dead. Just before the film ended I was half expecting to see the stones on his grave start shifting slightly, hinting that he might still be alive (albeit barely). It all depends on Jackman, really... Personally, I can't see him NEVER returning to the part. When a character is so iconic, they tend to come back. Hell, they always seem to come back. Lol. It won't be for a long, long time yet, though. It could even take 10/20 years (it took Harrison Ford 30 odd years before he came back as Han Solo). If that's the case then Hugh will be playing an even older (seriously old) old man Logan. Lol.


Well, in canon he can survive even decapitation... and has several times. One time by the hands of HULK no less... so if they wanted him dead, I see two ways about this only;

* Completely and instantly incinerated (all of his biomass, including his bones) so only the adamantium shell is left standing (done in the comics btw, also once with his bones still standing and this biomass was enough for him to recuperate then)

* Have him ill/infected and then die from lethal wounds.... which is what they did here.

But, indeed who can really tell. IMO he is dead. 100%. The only reason to revive him from this grave is if Jackman wants to make a sequel. And this will not happen. Perhaps we will see him in a cameo in a Deadpool outing, however unlikely. but not impossible... but surly not as a continuation to LOGAN. This story is over.

The likely scenario is that we again will see Logan, but it will be in an earlier form and possibly in another timeline.


You're right; it's possible we might see Wolverine at an earlier time. I think Jackman even said who he wanted to replace him as Wolverine if it came to that, but I don't remember who he chose.


LOGAN ended it beautifully for Jackman. And even though I would enjoy yet another attempt, I would advise him against it. He ends on the top. Good for him. And us.

The Wolverine has a lot of great stories yet, and I hope they will continue to spit out movies with him as the lead. It doesn’t have to be Xmen stories, just Wolverine stories. There are plenty to take from his arc. Also, much will fit even smaller and less expensive movies. I think they would be a hit in any form if done right. The one thing Jachman always had against him was his height. Not that it meant anything for his movies, but part why Wolverine is so interesting is how he is different from the rest of the pack. He is anything but majestic and handsome (as Jackman surely is on both accounts) and his brute smaller size (in height, not muscle) and that he is a bit of an asshole… it all makes his character that more interesting and unique. So whoever they choose, I hope he will be more alike the comics underdog Logan…. And I also hope they will find an unknown actor…. Like Jackman was at that time. Who? I have no idea, but I am sure he is out there.

Point is, the Wolverine has many more interesting stories to tell us. No need to reboot and find a substitute Miss Wolverine or whatever. Just recast and go for it…


Nice to know; I'd certainly watch more Wolverine/X-Men if/when they decide to make them. I never read any of the comics, so I wasn't aware of the "original" Wolverine. Interesting that he was small and unattractive; Jackman is definitely the opposite, lol. However, movie-Wolverine could still be an a**hole at times.


Only two? How bout hurling him into the vacuum of space with no oxygen, or dropping him into lava?


Two ways, as in two different fundamental causes... not schemes on how to best deliver those two causes.

Regarding your space scheme: Once he survived after being burned to the bone... in other words, all that was left was his bones and he came back from that somehow. No lungs, no brain... only bones were left standing. And as described above he has also survived decapitation on several occasions (read; brain is not connected to his lungs). And he survived well enough to even speak and have a discussion while being "disconnected". So I say, it seems that "no oxygen" does not matter that much to him when it comes to him being dead or not. Lacking oxygen is not enough of a cause to end him.

But indeed your volcano scheme could burn even his bones, so this may in fact work if all his biomass would be destroyed fast enough.... but this cause I cover in my point number 1 above, so it does not really add anything to my list of two ways.

Although, a volcano scheme would only succeed in burning his bones if his rate of regeneration would work slower than its rate of burning him... I am not so sure. E.g. in Xmen III his regeneration speed can withstand the wrath of The Phoenix... which I would say, vaporize faster than a scolding volcano. Remains to be tested though.

In short, I still see only two ;)



He can survive a decapitation and being burned down to his skeleton? I guess that works in the comics. What a strange thing to see if this was live action.

But then that other Wolverine clone (in this Logan movie) had a part of his face missing and that was healing as well. I take it Wolverine can regenerate entire missing limbs?


It is also strange to see that in the comics btw :)

Deadpool showed us his cutoff limps generating back in his movie, and this goes too for Logan, except his skeleton is protected by adamantium so it will be a rare situation to see this in full. It did happen of sorts in "The Wolverine" movie though, when his claws were cut off and later regrow. Those are part of his skeleton and so part of his limbs.

In Xmen III we see that his regeneration ability is strong and fast enough to avoid an incineration, that instantly vaporize others who were it the path of the Phoenix's wrath... in this sequence he never lost limps but he was momentarily burned down to even his adamantium several times ..

Also in "The Wolverine - The Origin" movie we learn that his brain "regrow" after being blown out... in some way.... so even though the movies do not quite embrace his "immortality" in the same way as the comics occasionally do, they do show him as near indestructible.


I forgot about the Deadpool part where he regenerated (cool and....gross?). But good point though. I haven't actually seen the other Wolverines, and was told to stay away from most of them hah.

And I was never crazy about FOX's handling of the X-Men universe, so I think I've only seen X-Men 1, 2, Logan, First Class and DOFP.

But thanks for those explanations there. Interesting to read about Wolverine's abilities in both comics and movies.


My pleasure:) Many dis on "The Wolverine" movie (second one). I don't know why. I think it is solid. One of the better movies in the franchise imo.


This Logan is dead. They're not going to do anything with this dead end timeline either. Even if they pursue a New Mutants storyline, it's not gonna have any direct continuity with this movie. But we certainly haven't seen the last of Wolverine, he will definitely be back again sooner or later. And I wouldn't rule out seeing Hugh Jackman as Wolverine again either, in a flashback in an X film or some sillyness in a Deadpool movie. But I don't think we're ever going to see this Logan resurrected out of the grave.


The Wolverine film in Japan? Did they add another scene for the Japanese version or something? lol


I'm talking about a different Wolverine film. It was simply called "The Wolverine". It came out in 2013 and the film was set mostly in Japan. In that film they showed that adamantium could be cut by heated up adamantium.


I agree. I don't think he's rally dead either. He was clearly weakened by the poisons in his body and that would slow down his regenerative abilities but I doubt it's gone. He's like a vampire like Lestat, a living dead 6 feet under but he can come back IMO.

If the director & writers wanted him truly dead, he would've been decapitated or they would've used an adamantium weapon, like that bullet, against him.


He's not dead as long as he brings FOX a profit.

All kidding aside, no fictional character stays dead if he or she is popular and makes money.


I don't think he died. They gave a few hints. The other one was impaled and survived after hours. Logan was pretty much hurt the same way. Actually, he was hurt in the same location several times.

I bet Hugh Jackman comes back. After this film's success, I find it hard to believe he won't give it one or two more movies. If he really wanted to quit, he wouldn't have made this movie, you know?


NO.I bet they gonna say that now then in a couple of years Jackman will reprise the role! money talks in Hollywood baby!
