MovieChat Forums > Iron Fist (2017) Discussion > beware of SJW revivewrs trashing this sh...

beware of SJW revivewrs trashing this show

all the early revivews ive read so far said the same. they said that the show is bad because the main charecter is white. not a word about the show itself or its quality. just bunch of SJW cry babies.


There are a couple of reviews I've read and watched on YOUTUBE that give it a good shot. I'm still not getting the whole SJW crap when the character in the comics is WHITE. What part of that don't they understand? I said in a comment on one review on YT that if they really wanted to get ridiculous about it, they should have changed Jessica Jones to James Jones and Luke Cage to Lucille Cage and make HER Asian. It's nuts really. I'm not happy with James Gunn going the way he is with the character of Mantis, but I'm not going to sit on message boards and gripe. Lord love a duck.


I've gathered the same thing, they are criticizing the same thing, complaining because the lead is white and knows martial arts. which for one thing the character was always white, and for another they are kind of type casting asian actors saying they must be martial arts fighters, this is absolutely absurd and not a legitimate criticism at all. this is not white washing even he was always white! it's not some historical show about an Asian Legend. I mean maybe the show is a not as good as the others, although I felt Luke Cage had some pretty big issues, and they didn't rip that apart. I still liked it though.

I just hope they don't kill a good show's chances of a getting a second season becuase they are claiming it is whitewashing ro racist or whatever.


News for those asshats! I knew a WHITE guy who was the Sensei of a Karate studio. He was taught by a Japanese master. So because he was a fourth degree black belt, did that mean he had no right to open up his own dojo and teach? Absurd to think that the only ones who can be martial arts masters are the Asians.


Everything's cultural appropriation, apparently.



People complaining about cultural appropriation on this show are dumb, but what you're saying is even more ridiculous. Especially that pic, that's got to be the dumbest thing I've ever seen.


I never listen to critics. What gives them the right to tell me what's good or bad? Besides Danny was always supposed to be white. I don't watch these shows for a political agenda. I watch them for entertainment.


It really feels like thats whats happening here. Now it could be a lesser product than the other Defender shows because eventually we are going to get a weak show but i will wait and see. But when i keep hearing about casting then i know its racial driven.


LoL saw just the same on IMDb. It is starting to get pathetic what they are doing, i wonder if they even have seen the show.

They all are anitwhite.


Its a good show. The hate isn't based in subjective criticism. Its all political. And its dumb because the comic character is also white. That's part of the point. The reviewers see this show as a micro-aggression. A concept I think is bullshit by the way


I agree. So far I'm into the second episode and I like it.


Is this show airing already? Man, I'm missing the party...


I'm on the third episode. So far I like it.


4 episodes in for me. It's great so far.


Yep. The critics certainly don't know what the hell they were watching, because the show I'm watching is pretty good.


I think they KNEW exactly what they were doing when they bashed I.F. It was a SJW coordinated hit piece.


Gotta agree. I have to say that the show is second to Daredevil. Finn is great and the cast is first rate.


Having seen 10 of the eps now i have to agree. This show was slashed by SJW for no other reasons than to make a point. Easily better than Luke Cage and Second half of Daredevil Season 2 parts that dealt with Electra.


What more did the SJWs want? They got a woman Jessica, a negro in Luke Cage, Asian in Nobu and Colleen Wing. We had a right to have one of our own, namely Danny Rand as he is on the books. Namely, Caucasian. Heck no one was happy with Elodie Yung as Elektra for crying out loud. What more do they want?
