MovieChat Forums > Iron Fist (2017) Discussion > beware of SJW revivewrs trashing this sh...

beware of SJW revivewrs trashing this show

all the early revivews ive read so far said the same. they said that the show is bad because the main charecter is white. not a word about the show itself or its quality. just bunch of SJW cry babies.


I finished this season and without reading ANY critic before... I believe it's just a bag full of nothing.


1. No interesting plot approach or villain's stories, and no real character's development on David.
2. The fighting is plain boring if you've seen Daredevil, basically because the camera placing is undistinguished and so are the choreographies.
3. Supporting actors don't feel real at any point as they're only painted over. (See the good things)
4. And where are the stories? Our stories? I didn't feel a thing except... and I want to highlight the next point so I'm just going to pass to the things I liked:

1. Tom Pelphrey. Yay!-Best thing on the show-I said it.
Just for him, you must watch the show. Absolutely incredible. I never saw him anywhere so my first impression is def good. Yes, he did it terrific... the guy was on another level and he reached certain heights nobody else could, especially if you consider Finn Jones' shaky presence. (Except for the very beginning, in which he was kind of intriguing)
2. Jessica Stroup.
A good character that only adds colour and richness to the Meachums. Heck!, even David Wenham was good as a total pain in the ass.
3. Wai Ching Ho.
Madame Gao is always an interesting person to look at, it's just that they didn't treat her with due respect and turn her into some shallow, boring, unfolding character like anyone else; yes, after that introduction at Hell's Kitchen. Too bad.
4. Clare Temple.
She's always a plus for me, so cheers.
5. Jessica Henwick.
I kind of like her as well and her character wasn't a total disaster, so cheers too.

Showtime was mediocre, people in it was not.
Now, let's get ready to The Defenders.

Overall: 6/10


I don't get why Americans are so obsessed with SJW, like the boogeyman, you guys see that everywhere.

Second, if the character is white in the comics, why would it be a problem if he's white in the show? It makes no sense whatsoever.

Third, on another thread, you called this show a - turd - so i don't understand your true intentions for this thread or the other one where you were simply trashing it.


SJWs are in Europe and Canada a lot as well. It's really annoying but there seems to be a lot of pushback against it.


When did the term SJW come up? Was it around 10 years ago? I only read about that constantly this year online, like someone made up the term just this year. I don't remember reading comments mentioning SJW even last year.


It's been around at least since Gamergate about three years ago.


Unfortunately, I'm also not familiar with your American slang gamergate - what's that?

Do Europeans and Canadians also use the slang term SJW? I mean, are they familiar with it?


I've seen them use it as well, yes. I'm not sure how common it is, though.

As for Gamergate:


Thanks for the link. I'm not much for twitter and I'm from the Philippines and I think I'm the only Filipino that's heard of SJW even.

And I'm still unsure what is is tbh.


SJW's are not boogeymen, they're the scum of the Earth. Most are ignorant, indoctrinated children who have no right to talk down to anyone about race and politics.

They are, ironically, the main reason the Democrats lost badly in the last election, but are too stupid to realize it. They are too stupid to realize no one wants Bernie, no one cared about having the first female president, no one wants veganism to be legally mandated, soda to be banned, all women to be treated like queens and minorities to get away with everything.

This is a very good show that has been the victim of an organized campaign against it by SJW's. It's very sad to see the twits who are racking their brain to think of reasons it's so bad when it really isn't. If you despise this show, you should have despised all the other Marvel shows. Really and truly. I actually think it's flowing a lot better than Daredevil, Luke Cage and Jessica Jones.


Sorry but you're too much of an angry extremist to be taken seriously.


I'm not the kind of loser that trashes a show because of my liberal politics. Go away now.


Like I said paranoid. As for being a loser - maybe you're projecting?


One person, I shit you not, started out their criticism with "Danny should have been biracial."

Jesus fucking Christ.

This generation really is a pack of dumb fucks who have been indoctrinated with horse shit.


Oh please as if that's the only reason.
I didn't like Luke Cage because this particular side of black American culture is as alien to me as social life of penguins.
Iron Fist was simply bad - 10+ wasted hours of my life.
