Rank The Transformers Films

I've enjoyed all The Transformers films except for this last one...

I've only thought the original movie had a good story, the rest I've enjoyed solely for the action, I also feel they've gotten noticeable worse with each film....

I do feel Transformers 3 may in fact have the greatest action ever filmed...The last hour of that film is incredible, unfortunately the first hour and a half was just Brutally awful

Age Of Extinction was a complete misfire, the story and new characters did nothing, in fact it only made things worse, the film did have a pretty good finale though

The First Transformers movie is IMO very good, I enjoyed the story, the action was amazing, It is IMO extremely underrated

The Second Transformers film again has a terrible story, but at least it had characters that we cared about and good characters, It had a decent finale

The Last Knight for me is literally one of the worst films I've ever seen, and believe me I'm not hard to please....There was absolutely not one good thing about the film...the story was one of the worst and most forced stories I have seen in a blockbuster, you dont need great stories for these big budget blockbusters, you really can get away with anything as long as you got good action, but this story Stood out for being ALL TIME Awful....then the finale was by far the worst out of all these films, very little actual fighting, mostly all "World devastation" CGI....

anyways here are my rankings-
Transformers 2-8/10
Transformers 3-8/10(Last Hour 10/10)
Transformers 4-7/10
Transformers 5-5/10

Its so time for Bay to move on and after The Last Knights box office performance I dont think theres any chance Bay makes another...The Last Knight DRASTICALLY under performed and It was 100% due to this being the 5th movie made by the same director where all 5 movies had the same stories and same Finales...if this franchise is going to continue and start making big box office again, they got to go in a completely different direction with the next film, its got to be a different tone, Its got to get good reviews and its got to get people excited again....Bay cant return, got to get a different director that can hopefully bring a new and exciting feel to these films, If Bay Returns and does the samething again the next film will make less than 100 Million Domestically and less than 400 Million worldwide


It took 6 months but your not alone dude.

T: 7/10
T2: 7.5/10
T3: 7-7.5/10
T4: 7/10
T5: 6/10


My grades of the Transformers movies...

1). Transformers A-
2) Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen C- (I'm being generous with that one)
3) Transformers: Dark of the Moon B+
4) Transformers: Age of Extinction B-
5) Transformers: The Last Knight C+


T: 7/10
T2: 3/10
T3: 3/10
T4: 4/10
T5: 4/10
