MovieChat Forums > The Forest (2016) Discussion > Japanese Forest, Japanese Spirits... and...

Japanese Forest, Japanese Spirits... and a White Girl?

Typical Hollywood, taking a film set in Japan and casting white people as the leads. DO NOT WANT


Because you're an ACTUAL racist and don't realize it.


This movie was made for a western, mainly white audience. How many white people do you see in Asian cinema?

Damn you Lindelof!


Because the leads are from America? The whole point is that a woman from the US goes to Japan to find her missing sister..


People like you, OP, need to die in a fire.


Japanese people dont sell in america

Maybe one day well others DO want if you read Young Samurai and Shogun both leads are white and William Adams was a Samurai who was white

Because ALL Hollywood films must be set in America.

Because no white person has ever set foot in Japan.



Yes because visiting Japan is absolutely illogical and silly. You're right my bad. Being a Caucasian person who works in Japan(you need a work visa for that by the way) is u heard of. Man I'm sorry you're right. I don't know where I came up with these half-brained schemes of mine.

have you met Unrested? What part of japan do you live in?

Well considering white people don't suffer from systematic racism, no it does not go both ways. And racism isn't just as simple as "hating another race". There's much more to it, that I'm not going to waste my time going into because I already know you aren't going to understand and itll go one ear and out the other. White people are the most highly represented race in film. They are not oppressed in the entertainment industry and neither in life. So no, a Japanese film studio not casting white people isn't racist.[/quote]

oh it goes both ways you just dont want to see it

Your giving em to much credit. Racism is NOT by very definition the hating of a race. It goes much deeper than that. If a white person grows up in a predominately black neighborhood he/she is quite likely to grow up hating those in the hood. Is it because of the color of their skin? No

How do you know

White people make up the majority in the United States and Europe. If you decide to criticize a national film industry because it doesn't represent the population of "the world" then you're pretty silly.

Not really

You know that is the philosophy of alot of KKK members. They say now they don't hate people of other racists but should not be mixed. Say for instance they would only want the Japaneses to be with Japanese, and black people with black people. This is exactly what you are asking for. So to help you out here is the link to the KKK application for you to join. Hope you find this helpful.

yeah like the Black Panthers! Well i dont agree since I am half chinese

This movie is not about a real person, so there can't be whitewashing. Now that would be wrong. This movie is just about a girl trying to find her sister who went into the forest. White people do exist in Japan, and are even aloud to visit if they want. In this movie case she was probably the actress they wanted for a fictional role.

Would you applaud a British film if they cast a Japaneses girl in the lead role? Im sure you would due to the diversity. I myself would have no issue with that. You can't have it both ways.

Depends on how the story was written

99% of movies that do well have a white lead. Welcome to the world.

No not all the time

But it doesnt help that when Japanese draw the characters they make them more white looking

Look like Tarzan talk like Jane! HAHA


Why not? Why are you such a racist that you think anything like this cannot involve a white person? Is it not possible that whites get depressed, whites, work in Japan and that perhaps a white depressive person would go to a nearby infamous place for suicide? Pathetic.


Typical whiner, does not even get the plot and complain about it.

Applied Science? All science is applied. Eventually.


It's a movie about a white girl teaching English at a school in Japan. Did you think they would cast a Nigerian or something?
