MovieChat Forums > Black·ish (2014) Discussion > Surprised by tonight's episode

Surprised by tonight's episode

I voted for Trump, and support him completely. I nearly turned this episode off after a few minutes due to the anti-Trump rhetoric, however I stuck it out and was quite surprised. They didn't spend the whole episode praising Obama, and even briefly alluded to his shortcomings. Eventually, they concluded by acknowledging that the majority Trump supporters are not racist, sexist, bigots, homophobic, etc.I voted for Trump, and support him completely. I nearly turned this episode off after a few minutes due to the anti-Trump rhetoric, however I stuck it out and was quite surprised. They didn't spend the whole episode praising Obama, and even briefly alluded to his shortcomings. Eventually, they concluded by acknowledging that Trump supporters are not racist, sexist, bigots, homophobic, etc. Still not in agreement with most of what they said, but it was a hell of a lot better than a lot of the liberal BS in Hollywood.


Sorry for the semi "double post" app won't let me delete or edit.




I agree but it was not entertaining at all to me, I'll be scratching Blackish off my list. Tird of hearing it.At lesst Trump speaks to All Americans, i have HOPE again with Trump...


Lmao, ok. That's not what he does. I'm still going to give him a chance though.


Tird of hearing it.At lesst Trump speaks to All Americans, i have HOPE again with Trump...

You mean he speaks to YOU. What HOPE do you have with him?

People I know who work at schools say that anyone of Hispanic heritage or speaks Spanish are constantly being taunted that they will be deported. So that was accurate when they depicted that in the show.


Trump speaks to All Americans



Trump speaks to All Americans

*White America

But only does things for the rich elite. Just look at his cabinet picks


He is elected, he won, he is our President ...but lmao on he speaks for all Americans.


I voted for Trump, and support him completely. I nearly turned this episode off after a few minutes due to the anti-Trump rhetoric, however I stuck it out and was quite surprised. They didn't spend the whole episode praising Obama, and even briefly alluded to his shortcomings. Eventually, they concluded by acknowledging that Trump supporters are not racist, sexist, bigots, homophobic, etc. Still not in agreement with most of what they said, but it was a hell of a lot better than a lot of the liberal BS in Hollywood.

Why do you keep repeating yourself? Put down the Kool Aid and walk away slowly.


Can you read ScaryMary? Did you not see his 2nd post?

"Sorry for the semi "double post" app won't let me delete or edit."


Shut up, bigot.


I agree sublime. And Dre's speech at the end was great.


If you voted for Trump, then you should stick to watching right wing BS like Fox News and reading Breitbart.

Trump supporters may not all be out and out racists/bigots/homophobes but right wing policies certainly are racist/bigoted/homophobic.


whagtever_it_takes: Trump supporters are not HALF as Bigoted Racists as OBUMA was. So you confine yourself to Left-Wing propaganda of CNN or MSNBC.


I don't watch CNN or MSNBC. I look at a few issues and it takes less than a minute to know which side I want to be on.

Trump supporters are stupid enough to hang onto his every word though, like believing the birther crap or him sending Hillary to prison. Trump said it himself, he loves the "poorly educated".


whatever_it_takes; The two pillars supporting the Demorat Party are Afro-Americans and Latinos (Legal and Illegal). Of those two groups 1/3rd do NOT have a High School Diploma, another third are just pushed through the School system and will NEVER see a College or University except from a postcard or on T.V. 44% of Trumps supporters have a Graduate Degree. So who is REALLY supported by the poorly educated.

Every one of my Friends or social contacts who supported Trump have a College/University Degree. From Associate too Masters. Know the meaning of insanity? It is repeatedly doing the same action and expecting a different result, which explains you.

50 years of the GREAT SOCIETY, its WAR ON POVERTY and other social Welfare Programs and People like you just want more of the same, FAILURE. Trump may not have all the answers, but the DEMORAT's and their R.I.N.O. allies certainly do not either. Something you obviously have not learned because you are a slave to that dogma and how appropriate to support the Party of Slavery.


It was Trump who said he loves the "poorly educated". You will have to correct him on that.

44% of Trumps supporters have a Graduate Degree.

Aside from the poor use of punctuation throughout your post, the above statement is not possible. A smart guy like you should be able to differentiate between an undergraduate and a graduate degree.

As for welfare programs, right wingers have no problem with government money earmarked for the military industrial complex and wasted on wars.


I loved this episode since it showed how divided people were over Trumps' election myself being one of them. Hopefully the nation can be better.


I watched the episode because nothing else was on and not only was it Liberal SJW propaganda and whining but, even worse, nothing was funny. This is supposed to be a comedy?

That whole episode encapsulated the whole last two months in America. A bunch of crybaby pussy Liberals whining that the Democrat lost and they aren't the majority they thought they were. And don't kid yourselves. America would have been screwed if Hillary won too.


It amazes me how the statistics only count people with college degrees as educated, having a degree does not mean a person is educated at all especially now days when most colleges are mainly about indoctrinating their students. The left feeds on people who want to be slaves to the welfare state, they create programs to give people just enough to keep them compliant but not allow them to succeed any further.


Trump supporters are not HALF as Bigoted Racists as OBUMA was

I know you are but what am I?


Which right wing policies? Please if your going to make accusations provide us with some factual references. Also there is no evidence of Trump supporters being racist but there is plenty of evidence of left wing supporters being racist, just check out all the rallies and riots from the left and their hate speech.


there is no evidence of Trump supporters being racist


Thought that it was great that they made fun of you Trump deplorables.


sublime2419, thank you for this post! I thought the co-worker who voted for Trump was allowed to get out a lot of good points as to why Hillary was such a bad candidate. We as women did not have to vote for Hillary just because she was a woman, even though so many people told us we did.

The last five minutes of this episode were so good.
