Teaser Trailer:



Looks neat. Never really been a Thor fan and I'm a bit indifferent on the MCU as a whole but I think I'll actually see this one.


Thats was a very good trailer...

I remember almost 2 years ago Kevin Fiege said "Thor 3 was going to be The Winter Soldier of Phase 3"..and I can now see what he meant.

Thor 3 looks like its going to be massive and have a HUGE Impact of the MCU.

Thor 2 was by far the weakest effort out of all the MCU films...it was just the definition of average, Completely basic Story, Awful Villain, too much humor, They just in no way tried to make it special.

Its clear Thor 3 is not going to have any of those problems.

Thor 3 has been my most anticipated CBM of 2017 and after that trailer I'm even more excited.


It does look great and Cate Banchett looks awesome as Hela.


Agreed, the trailer makes the movie look promising. Cate Blanchett (I didn't even know she was in it) looked great, as well.

Also, it seemed to have a bit of a Guardians of the Galaxy vibe.


Also, it seemed to have a bit of a Guardians of the Galaxy vibe.


believe it or not Thor 2 was supposed to be "Guardians of the Galaxyish" before Guardians of the Galaxy....People were expecting A Sci-Fi/Space Epic With Lots of Different Worlds and Realms.

Thor 2 dropped the ball big time and Guardians of the Galaxy ended up being the true Sci-Fi Space Epic.

But I dont think its really right to say Thor 3 is copying Guardians of the Galaxy, because The Thor Franchise was swinging for The Guardians of the Galaxy Vibe before they even made Guardians of the Galaxy, They just failed, It seems they've nailed this time with Thor 3 though.

I also think The Song is the main reason why everyone is getting a Guardians of the Galaxy vibe .

I suspect the 2nd Full Thor 3 trailer will be entirely different, Serious, more geared toward explaining the story and wont at all have a Guardians of the Galaxy vibe...

I just think Marvel Studios knew they had to Kill it with this 1st Thor 3 trailer, With Thor 2 being the weakest MCU entry, With Thor Not being in Civil War and With Justice League coming at 2 weeks after Thor 3, and With J.L just releasing a trailer, Marvel Had to get audience instantly and Immediately interested and sold on Thor 3 and this trailer with its Tone done that masterfully, I literally can't believe all the praise its getting, This trailer is getting Universally love and praise.

I dont think the movie Will at all have The Guardians of the Galaxy tone, I dont think it will be filled with Music or Massive Humor, I bet It will be somewhat serious and be darker than we imagine, I think that will be reflected in the 2nd trailer.

all in all, Masterful trailer and Marketing for Marvel Studios...Thor 3 literally just shot to near the top of almost everyone my anticipated list


It looks amazing. That is a great trailer.
I haven't been into the whole 'Thor and pals' franchise, but this looks great.
Cate Blanchett, Jeff Goldblum, Idris Elba, plus the regulars.

I already want to wear Cate's antlers and I do not even cosplay!


Looks fun and seems to have a lot of energy closer to Guardians.

This one is likely going to outgross the first two. How many "Part 3s" gross the most in a trilogy?


Looks great.


Thor hasn't been my favorite Marvel character so far but this looks like a hell of a lot of fun, especially the gladiator matchup between Hulk and Thor.

I'm trying to go for an engaging, funny youtube channel so, if you have the time, take a look. Hope you enjoy what you see. Thanks in advance. Reviewed the trailer here- https://youtu.be/iCaidEPANas


I'm also getting a Guardians of the Galaxy vibe from this, which is fine in my book.

But if Ragnarok is actually darker and more hard-hitting than the trailer suggests, then that's perfect. I LOVE Thor's humor (that moment with Hulk is pure gold!), but it'd be nice if he could be pissed off in this movie more than usual, hehe. Either way, this is a sweet (SUPER FUN) trailer.


I just watched the trailer and my reaction was:

