MovieChat Forums > Thor: Ragnarok (2017) Discussion > They say this about every Marvel movie t...

They say this about every Marvel movie that gets released

I just saw a commercial for Thor Ragnorak where the commercial was boasting how the film was being praised as the best Marvel movie ever. I might be in awe if it wasn't for the fact they say this about every movie Marvel studios poops out and if I had short term memory loss which apparently every critic and fan review on the net has. So my only real reaction is to roll my eyes. I remember the praise for the Marvel studio/Kevin Feige movies all the way back from Iron Man 1 and basically has never stopped. Granted I like Iron Man since it basically just took Batman Begins story and made it lighter and less complex, but still an enjoyable movie.

The problem is Iron Man 1 is easily one of the better written Marvel studios movie. Then the MCU's ass kissing really became noticeable to me once Avengers 1 came out. Every critic and online fan was calling it the best movie of the year, and IMDB had the movie in the top 10 best movies of all time 3 weeks before the movie even came out (because clearly nothing is suspicious about that!). So I was excited when going into that movie and after the movie my jaw dropped, but not in a good way. WTF did I just watched? There was no story, no character development, some of the most forced tension and rivalry shoehorned as a cheap excuse to create fight scenes and basically a WWE match extended to 2 and half hours. It was basically the comic geek equivalent of models doing a bunch of silly poses while getting doused with water with tons of closeups and slowmo for 2 and a half hours, everyone masturbating to it and calling it the best movie of the year. After Avengers 1, I really became skeptical in any praise the MCU got and Captain America Survivor Series was basically the last straw for me to ever pay money to see any of these movies and just borrow it for free when they hit DVD. My expectations for these movies have just gotten lower with each film.

I find it funny when they say things like Vulture has solved the MCU's villain problem or so and so film has solve this or that problem. My reaction would normally to do a spit take and sarcastically say in my head "What? The MCU had a problem? When was this? No one ever makes any complaints when reviewing these films and claim them to be masterpieces. How can the MCU films have a problem when there were no problems to begin with?" Hell people praise Baron Zemo from Captain America Survivor Series as a great villain when he was one of the worst villains with one of the stupidest plans imaginable that I can think of. The dog from the Simpsons episode with Mel Gibson that did the shifty eyes at the end of the episode is a better villain than Baron Zemo. Looking back at the recent movies, they called Spiderman 3boot a masterpiece, they called GOTG 2 a masterpiece, they called Dr. Strange a masterpiece, they called Captain America Survivor Series a masterpiece, they called Ant-man a masterpiece, and so on.

I also find it funny the same people who praise and masturbates to the MCU are also the same people who rips apart Michael Bay and the Transformers films when the MCU movies ripped so much off from Bay and the Transformers films. Transformers was the first film series that prove you can make a franchise from recycling the same story over and over again, just reskin it with characters with different looks and powersets and locations, and throw in tons of action scenes that makes no sense so the fans won't notice how little story and creative writing there is among other traits that Transformers did first.

Now granted I never saw Thor 3 yet, and it at least looks more interesting than the first 2 Thor films (though that's not exactly a tough bar to beat), so maybe it might be different, but hmm, lets see. MCU has only rushed production more as the years gone by, meaning less time to work on a script, so I sincerely doubt it. Kevin Fiege and Marvel Studios won't have any motivations to change either since so much people licks the ass of every movie they make that at this point they're literally licking up all their crap to try and convince people they never took a dump in the first place. So they have no reason to change their habits.


I want to quote so much of your post, but the two that really hit the nail on the head were the two hour WWE point and the one about how these are basically Michael Bay/Transformer clones...

So true... I saw the trailer for Thor 3, but just can't bring myself to watch it... So many other films i'd rather watch in theatre


Oh there's so much more points I can get into with the MCU that even my comments in this thread will likely only be scratching the surface. I mentioned to another user how the MCU films evidently exist in a reverse/bizarro universe where it gets praised for things people normally rightfully pan films for, so lets start a list.

1) Overuse of CGI. Funny how so much fan reviewers online can frown upon a film for using excessive CGI, yet the MCU is immune from this. Whole scenes now in MCU films is nothing but CGI clutter. MCU films now use more CGI than Star Wars and Star Trek. At least those films still have characters in physical costumes. RDJ hasn't worn a physical Iron Man suit in ages. Funny how both those Star franchises had people commenting on their use or lack of use on CGI, but no one says anything about the MCU films even when scenes look so cartoonish, I can easily mistake them for a scene from a PS4 video game.
2) No originality. In a age where people are rightfully complaining about Hollywood making so much sequels, reboots, remakes, etc and complaining about lack of originality, it's amazing how the MCU films are getting praised for making non stop films that all look the same, sound the same, feel the same, and basically just a regurgitation of itself with a different reskin. Granted once an a while someone working for these movies would bother to write something that wasn't in the previous movies (which basically just consist of the barebones storyline for a superhero and stopping there) like the whole Hydra controlling the government in Winter Soldier and Guy Pearce's arc from fanboy to arch enemy (huh it's basically Syndrome's storyline) in Iron Man 3, but those are the rarity, not the norm. They're actually so rare, the Terminator franchise don't have enough films to cover how many movies it takes to get this kind of writing.


To each, his own. In terms of the way they promote the movies with tv spots highlighting positive critic reviews... as Biff Tannen would say: HELLO! HELLO! ANYBODY HOME?!? They do this with practically every blockbuster/movie in existence. But judging by your willingness to say MCU movies are no better or different than Michael Bay’s work, it’s obvious you have beef with a certain Marvel Studios. And yes, you are woefully wrong about that. The entertainment value aside, contrary to what people like you say, these movies do not insult one’s intelligence. They are expertly-crafted and are in fact given their time to be made. More than a handful of them are without their flaws, however when they have so much going for them, it’s easy to overlook their faults. Poor villains? First of all, I never jumped on that bandwagon; e.g., I find all of the Captain America baddies effective in their own way. Second of all, it’s amusing how so many confidently state that Marvel lacks good villains giving the impression that non-Marvel comic movie villains have been consistently great.

MCU movies may be the biggest culprit when it comes to so-called real cinema buffs (like I assume you claim to be) voicing their displeasure with Hollywood and their superhero obsession. Not to mention they see the fanbase as a bunch of ass kissers who can’t appreciate real quality. Cold hard truth is, the majority of the “know-nothing” critics, and not merely fanboys, agree that these movies have so much more to offer than simple entertainment. So Kevin Feige and Marvel must be doing something right, unlike the mostly bland DCEU; until Justice League comes out, Wonder Woman is the only exception thus far.

By the way, you believe most MCU fans eat up anything Marvel puts out? Tell that to Iron Man 2, maybe Iron Man 3, Thor 2, and even the under appreciated first Thor. Fact: this franchise has earned its reputation. Though when all is said and done, in your mind its success is a result of raving fanboys pleasuring themselves (nice image you conjured up) to whatever Marvel studios cooks up... and that’s why on the tv side of things Inhumans and Iron Fist were well-received as well. Not. Peace.


Every studio runs promotional campaigns like that!

Why are you singling out Marvel?


Every studio runs promotional campaigns like that!

Why are you singling out Marvel?

Because the MCU is the only one where the promotional campaigns are actually followed by tons of reviews from critics and online fans calling it a masterpiece, the best film of the year, etc. No film series I can think of has received this level of ass licking. Not Star Trek, not Lord of the Rings, not James Bond, not Terminator, not Transformers (the MCU's template), not even Star Wars. I've seen far more flack towards the Force Awakens than I've seen for the MCU movies.

Now if the MCU films were actually well written, well made, creative movies than I can understand that. However they're not this. They're not even films that just copied it's story from well received movies like the first Iron Man. They're films that just regurgitated itself with a new reskin and are the opposite of well written, well made and creative. I haven't something this lazy since CSI and all those crime procedurals that copies CSI.

The MCU apparently exist in some reverse/bizarro universe where what people normally pan films for, the MCU gets praised for it.


"Because the MCU is the only one where the promotional campaigns are actually followed by tons of reviews from critics and online fans calling it a masterpiece, the best film of the year, etc."

- putting aside the obnoxious fanboys that call "masterpiece" to anything related to what they jerk to, the franchise itself set standards pretty damn high. They are being emulated in style by others.

"No film series I can think of has received this level of ass licking."

- the word you are trying to use is "praise".

"No film series I can think of has received this level of ass licking. Not Star Trek, not Lord of the Rings, not James Bond, not Terminator, not Transformers (the MCU's template), not even Star Wars. I've seen far more flack towards the Force Awakens than I've seen for the MCU movies. "

- Star Trek is now a joke that shits on the original with "timeline" differences.
- Lord of the Rings died out. It told its story and there's nothing else to add.
- James Bond is pretty irrelevant ever since the 90's. Either Sean Connory or the other blond chap is seen as the real James Bond, all others are attempts at
- Terminator? Dude... it's universal that it died with T2. You under a rock or something?
- Transformers... sigh. So you think Transformers are the MCU's template.... must be because of all the transforming robots it has and void of script.
- Star Wars TFA is thrashed by SW fans and has a general "meh" response to it. Just like the Prequels.

"Now if the MCU films were actually well written, well made, creative movies than I can understand that"

- they are. You just love to hate.

"They're not even films that just copied it's story from well received movies like the first Iron Man"

- Wait... so... you want all of them to be the same?... dude... different characters, different stories, different motifs... nice contradiction there as well.
And most of them were well received [with the flack on the first 2 Thor movies and Iron Man 2 that are rightfully regarded as meh... oh and Avengers Ultron. That one is pretty shitty].


"They're films that just regurgitated itself with a new reskin and are the opposite of well written, well made and creative. I haven't something this lazy since CSI and all those crime procedurals that copies CSI."

- Sure... Guardians of the Galaxy is sooooo like Iron Man 1 [to take your example] is uncanny. Or Doctor Strange... is soooo like Winter Soldier is unbelievable. Or Ant Man.... such a Thor ripoff

"The MCU apparently exist in some reverse/bizarro universe where what people normally pan films for, the MCU gets praised for it. "

- They took the movie industry by storm with their successful product. In your mind that is bizarre? You sure you aren't a DCEU fanboy?


you know who is desperately kissing ass? the DCEU. XD

If Marvel movies are like the ones of Michel Bay in terms of both content and exposition, then I'm the King of England.

The reason why pretty much everyone says that "this is their best movie ever" whenever there is a new MCU release is because they improve [unlike the DCEU shitfest which is still pretty damn bad and pretends that is "smart and "serious" and "mature" and "dark" when in fact they are just boring and full of pseudo-intellectual nonsense *coffcoff BVS coffcoff... but now are so desperate to get the MCU cake they even go after the MCU directors ahah].

The MCU is at a position now that not only are they the biggest franchise worth multi-billions [which means the general audience likes what they see and happily go to the theaters to watch a new release], they can also get guys like Waikiki to direct their movies. They can have fun with themselves and their product; and they do so to the viewers delight.

Most actors want to be a part of the MCU [a bigger paycheck and all means a lot for sure] and you can scroll the list of celebrated actors who already are a part of it. People also go watch their favorite actors performing. And they are performing quite well [and making their moneys]

Bottom line: The MCU is the biggest and wealthiest movie franchise for many reasons. Kissing ass is not one of them.


Well stated, TA!


I enjoyed it, saw it first time today (Sunday, 11/5/17). Hugely enjoyed it, and [spoiler]Stan Lee's reliable cameo[/spoiler].
