MovieChat Forums > Rogue One (2016) Discussion > Had to shut it off about half way throug...

Had to shut it off about half way through.

I dont recall the details but I believe it was a blind or deaf ninja warrior or something. At that point I just lost all interest in continuing this Star Wars film.


He was a blind Jedi-wannabe, but he was formidable with his weapon. Why would you turn it off just because of that? You'd be missing a great land and space battle and possibly the greatest Vader one-against-many fight ever.


possibly the greatest Vader one-against-many fight ever.

Where there are any others depicted in the movies? Not talking the Anakin fights that occurred in the prequels


But in the OT, we never got to see Vader actually FIGHT many Rebels, did we? Just Luke and Obi-Wan.


It was as well to turn it off half way through because then you miss seeing the embarrassing cut and shut nature of this film. You also miss seeing the incredible failure to follow the basic continuity set up by the original Star Wars film, which is basically impossible to do if you follow the simple task of watching the first half hour of that film.


I know Rogue One has its problems, but I personally consider it the single best Disney Star Wars movie, simply because I love the Death Star.


To be honest I think I despise it the most of those I've seen.

I didn't overly dislike TFA. Sure it was somewhat of a ANH rehash and the Finn character was literally a joke but aesthetically it looked right. However it wrote cheques which TLJ didn't even bother trying to cash in, it simply ripped them apart. TLJ was just so bad it was almost inoffensively laughable...

Rogue One on the other hand was clearly going nowhere, then they brought that dude in to "fix" it and he simply threw in the fan service nonsense Vader scene - which simply has no connection with the guy we see in what is supposed to be like ten minutes later. Nor could they be bothered following the ANH plot - the Death Star is pre-tested tested (!), the plans aren't beamed to the Tantive IV, the stupid C3PO and R2D2 inclusion, Admiral Raddus, etc... Utter insulting disaster imo.


I wholeheartedly DISAGREE. In fact, I love Rogue One so much, I've disowned Attack of the Clones as a Prequel and Put Rogue One in its place, so the movies now go:

The Phantom Menace (entertaining plot with simple good vs evil, and the discovery of Anakin)
Revenge of the Sith (the fall of Anakin and the Jedi, and the rise of the Empire)
Rogue One (the battle to send the Death Star plans to the Rebels)

And if you or anyone else does not like that one bit (even though Clones is so unbelievably shitty and boring) then you know what you can do.


interesting trilogy. 13 years between 1 and 2 and 19 years between 2 and 3.


Then you missed the best Star Wars film they have made so far. Might want to give it another chance.


You missed a good SW movie


I'm no fan of Disney Star Wars nor consider the films canon, but this one was very well directed especially the battle and Vader scenes. The blind guy is with the Guardians of the Whills, a sect that believes in the Force and are helped by it even though they are not Force-sensitive.


I enjoyed it.


I watched this movie today for the first time, and I suppose you didn't miss a lot. But for the most part, I would consider it a solid film, if not slightly overrated.

The gun fights are so unrealistic in SW films. But that's probably my biggest beef with SW movies in general. Seriously, I just can't understand why Stormtroopers are such lousy shots. Lol

I swear they can't hit the broad side of a barn from 10 yards away.

That being said, R1 has some fun moments but the standout character is definitely K2, best droid since C-3PO and R2-D2 for sure.

And I can't believe I'm going to say this but I actually found the music to be a little annoying. I think it was over-used in this film. It felt like almost every scene has music that didn't actually fit the scene. Sometimes it's better to let actors act rather than forcing the music to convey emotion to the audience.

And yeah the ninja warrior was a little bit annoying too. At any rate, I'll give Rogue One a 6.1 out of 10. I actually think I like Solo a little bit more, call me nuts if you want to I don't care. Lol


I thought this had a better score than any of the sequel films, and I like Williams a lot. The score was replaced at the last minute, so perhaps they didn't have a chance to fine tune the mix and placement. But the music itself was very memorable and of high quality.


Fair enough...

I think the music itself was fine, but did they really need to use it that much? It was so heavy too, when at times, it needed to be more subtle. Ohh well, still a pretty solid film.


Again, it was all done at the last minute, so perhaps a bit ham-fisted.


I really enjoyed this one. One of the great SW movies imo.
