MovieChat Forums > Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018) Discussion > Latest Solo Posters Lose the Guns

Latest Solo Posters Lose the Guns

Guns might shatter the poor snowflakes. Ignore those past 9 movies with plenty of guns and WMDs.

The new Solo posters keep the same color scheme, and have slight other changes. But the main difference, besides taking out the block lettering, is that they erased the blasters out of each character's hands. Though they also launched a separate International series that still have those blasters in hand.

Parody posters!


Han looks dumb with his hand down, that expression just doesn't work without the gun.

As for the two versions of the poster with everyone, it would be hilarious if the "gun version" have EVERYONE a gun, even that Power Rangers robot.


This is absurd... You can't glorify how cool guns are in movies and at the same time try to hide them in promotions as if it's some act of solidarity with victims...

You can't eat your cake and have it...


"You can't eat your cake and have it..."

You can if you make two cakes.


guess they're gonna rename death star into Life Star and Starkiller Base into Star Things Base.


They should have replaced the guns with flowers. So peaceful....


Different artwork was just used on posters in Brazil. This is just people getting outraged for no reason.


Thanks for the reality check!


It's hilareous that the people having conniptions over this without actually researching the issue are the ones calling people "snowflakes"....

Talk about the pot and the kettle.


Since I started the thread, I'll explain what happened.

The movieweb article I posted is two weeks old. Your screenrant article is one week old.
I did google the topic and all articles seemed the same. That's the best I can do, I don't have Mickey's phone number.
Why did it take a week for the official explanation? Disney has plenty of PR people, they could have put out a press release.

If you google the topic today, 3/4 of the lead stories explain it. After that most echo the original story.


Fair enough. Although the fact the the original article only showed Brazilian posters still would have given me pause.


All advertising is pandering, but some advertising decisions just make you scratch your head.
