MovieChat Forums > Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018) Discussion > "We're going to cater to a new generatio...

"We're going to cater to a new generation of fans and unload the old ones"

...WHY do so many movie companies employ this "strategy" with old, beloved franchises time and time and time and time again? Almost 100% of the instances they did that saw why do they persist in doing it?

When I wear a Star Wars shirt out in public you know the people who say they like my shirt? People my age (mid-thirties) and older. Kids say NOTHING to me. You know what happens when I drive on the highway with my "Stark Industries" decal on my car and Captain America figurines on my dash? Little kids AND adults wave/give a thumbs up. Just the other day a couple kids pointed at our Captain America figures, smiled and waved at us. Not one--not ONE little kid has ever said anything whenever I walk around with a Star Wars shirt. Not one.

Very few kids like Star Wars but many of them LOVE the MCU. Why? Because the MCU, for all intents and purposes, is a modern franchise regardless of the older films that came before it. MCU is a modern brand recognized by many children whereas Star Wars is something rooted in the past.

You can't just play switcheroo with your fanbases and expect the results to pan out. Look how "well" that worked out for Ghostbusters 2016 or the million other franchises they've tried this tactic with now.

Now Solo is underperforming...and each subsequent Star Wars film will do the same.




I miss the old days when Hollywood made movies to make the fans happy.Now a days the only people they seem to care about making happy are feminists,the lgbtq community and certain racial demographics.Racial,feminist and gender politics have way to much control over the industry lately.



I agree with all of this. There is one exception of an older franchise being revived that does cater nicely to older fans and that is the recent YouTube Red TV show Cobra Kai. It successfully brings back the feel of the original films, while adding a new and complex storyline. Feels like a realistic portrayal of who these characters would be in today's society. Writing is great, clever and steeped in 1980's nostalgia, with plenty of nods to the original.. Just a great continuation of The Karate Kid and it's NOT politically correct!

Fuck you Kathleen Kennedy.


Haven't gotten to it yet but i plan on doing the free trial of Youtube red just for this.


It's nice that the first 2 episodes are free to non-subscribers. So you can watch those before deciding whether to burn off your trial.

Though TBH, I don't see much else on YT Red worth watching. A lot of their stuff is just giving their most popular content creators their own TV shows. That doesn't work because YT creators aren't actors. They're more like DJs, in that they aim keep a broad audience engaged with topical humor for short intervals. More professional productions, like Cobra Kai, would be nice. But that will piss off their content creators.


Interesting...I don't plan on getting Youtube Red (I already have Netflix and Amazon Prime) but that sounds interesting! Good to hear they're still respecting us old fans in some mediums

Yes--FUCK you, Kathleen Kennedy, you feminazi b!tch.


I loved the KK movies when growing up and didn't really expect anything from this show. It was AMAZING! I loved it. I can't wait for S2. I'm not sure how much people who aren't really familiar with the originals would like it though. Hard for me to not be biased.
