MovieChat Forums > Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018) Discussion > So much for that planned Solo trilogy. N...

So much for that planned Solo trilogy. Now let's get Rain Johnson's trilogy flushed down the toilet

I implore people to continue voting with their wallets. Rain Johnson set the domino chain reaction in motion that will continue to affect future Disney Star Wars films. Rain might get one of his films out of the gate before they shut the rest of his idiotic trilogy down.

Kathleen Kennedy and Rain Johnson are two turds currently circling the bowl and in need of flushing.


Well Star Wars isn't the only franchise that Disney is shitting on, it seems that Disney is faceing a lot of backlash from some of it's upcoming Disney live action remakes... mostly The Lion King and Mulan not to mention that the live action remake of Beauty and the Beast left a sour taste in a lot of people's mouth and to a lesser extent The Jungle Book also received some mixed the question you have to ask yourself is this" How much longer till Disney starts shitting on the MCU franchise?" I'd be sweating a little bit now if I were a Marvle fanatic right now....HA!HA!HA!


Hey, there's no problem with the live-action Disney remakes WHATSOEVER. I LOVED B&TB, and JB too!


How much longer till Disney starts shitting on the MCU franchise?" I'd be sweating a little bit now if I were a Marvle fanatic right now....HA!HA!HA!

I think when it comes to turds Marvel can do it all alone! Who needs Disney when you have dialogue like this:

- I have sensitive nipples!
- Dance off you big turd blossom.
- Tonight, I will put a squishy turd in your pillow! - I shave you!
- Did you create a penis? Yes, and not a bad one!
- Look, Im Marry Poppins y'all!
- Owwwwww, goodness, my nipples!!!
- Hahahah, I have famously huge turds!
- You should not have killed my mom...or squished my walkman.
- Showtime, assholes!
- [sees Rocket] Uh-Uuuuuuuuh, I love that scruffy puppy, he's so cute I'm gonna die!!!
- Well, get ready for a 800-foot statue of Pac-Man with Skeletor and Heather Locklear. I'm gonna make some weird shit.
- You like a professional asshole or what? Pretty much a pro.
- Now is not the time to believe in yourself! Believe in me who believes in you!
- Die, spaceship, die! Screw you, spaceship!!
- Tell them my name is Taser Face......Hahahahahahahahaha!
- Maybe this man could be your "David Hasselhoff"


You might want to acquaint yourself with the box office data of the last several MCU films--especially the one currently in theaters. I say that because, as of now, you sound like a blithering idiot.

The MCU will continue doing fine so long as Disney stays far away from it. Once the PC meddling starts--that is the point the MCU will begin a true decline.


no need to get sensitive nipples. All just direct quotes from MCU, so direct your "blithering idiocy" to the fanboys of that franchise.

And what have "box office data" to do with anything here...? According to you millions of flies cannot be wrong I guess (bandwagon fallacy)? And we are right back at blithering idiocy. QED


those are great quotes. I don't get your point. You are quoting lines from a comedy movie. How does this prove anything? Guardians of the Galaxy is amazing.


lol, sure. If I have to spell that out for you, it's too late anyway. I for one am relieved that Solo did not descend into this lowbrow territory. It could have been so much worse.


If you're referring to the rumor about Mulan nixing the male lover interest character then yes--my wife and I already heard about that and are prepared to skip Mulan if they pull that sh!t. Mulan is a strong and independent character and you don't need to nix her love interest in order to drive that point home. I'm sick of this PC nonsense.

And, while I know you're one of the DCCU fanatics, you bring up an interesting point: Disney could start meddling the MCU next and that will be the day I stop watching those films. The MCU has a good thing going so it makes sense that Disney will start meddling with it and messing it all up. I dread that day.


Give it time, before the introduce popular characters such as She-Hulk or Spider Woman, we'll witness the delights of a female Iron Man and a female Thor...I can't wait!


As long as Kevin Feige remains at the helm I have no worries at all. That guy knows what's up :)

Shout out to the Russo brothers, those guys make the best stuff:)


I’m lookjng forward to the RJ trilogy. Solo 2 could still happen there are more factors than just opening weekend boxoffice. There are lots of films out now, I just got around to seeing Deadpool 2. Solo could be a sleeper hit. It’s not a disaster it’s a disappointment for Disney.


You're looking forward to the Rain trilogy? To each their own, I guess. One man's trash is another man's treasure.


His name is Rian not Rain.
