

Why do people always ignore the people that rate it 10/10? You know there are more of those right? More people that sit down so concerned about the score and scores of other people and have to "help" the ratings.. " its really a 6 out of 10 but I rated it a 10 because someone gave it a low score" What of them, are they really better people that the feel the need to alter the score so the film seems better than it really is.

TLJ 10 star: 53016 vs 1-4 scores combined: 55425
TLJ is a film hated by ALOT of people

Solo 10 star: 9677 vs 1-4 scores combined: 7276
Solo is a film that some people like but see as unnecessary

Are there people that rate it low on purpose? Yes, but there are people that rate it high as well.

AS for whether it ruins star wars? It depends the 9 films make up the full core story. Quite of few find when watching films or reading a book that a bad ending can negatively effect the whole experience, why would Star Wars be any different?


Shut your worthless hole, noob!



I was right, you ARE a noob, now learn to shut your worthless hole.


Luke was “out of character”?

They fucking KILLED him AND Han before the original 3 could even have a scene together.

THAT is what people are bitching about.

Now Fisher is ACTUALLY dead so the “CGI” geniuses will have to ghost them together instead.

That’s a PATHETIC sendoff for us old farts who’ve been loyal since 1977.

That’s all I’m saying.

I was in 5th grade when it started and a high school senior when the original trilogy ended.

At least give old farts like me a proper goodbye instead of a “fuck you, you don’t count anymore”.

I WANTED the trio to die so the franchise can move on.

But the delivery was horseshit.



Having the big 3 together was definitely a huge opportunity that was missed.


I know that “they should have killed them properly” sounds stupid but the only way to move on IS death.

Equally stupid sounding is “they shoulda killed Leia while they had the chance”.


They shoulda killed Leia while they still had the chance.



Star Wars ceased to exist the day Lucas sold it to Disney. These are just fan fiction films now.



SW exists yes, but Lucas is not making SW films anymore. So how can it be a real SW film? It would be like saying a Fiero kit car is a real Ferrari.



I can understand that. IMO you can't ruin something that isn't real. I like to think of SW as two entities, you have Lucas SW and Disney SW. If Lucas had made Ep 7 it would be completely different from the Disney version. But saying TLJ ruined your childhood is pretty stupid.


It would be like saying a Fiero kit car is a real Ferrari.

It’s not?!!!!

😲 😮 😯 😲


Haha! I used to work with a guy that drove a Fiero and his name was Phil. We called him Fiero Phil.


If nothing else...I’m glad Disney has the financial backing to create the Star Wars theme park.

If JK Rowling had gone with Disney, there’d be an ACTUAL Hogwarts Castle instead of that lameass model on a gift shop.

Maybe one day we’ll be walking inside a life-sized Imperial Star Destroyer.



Maybe one day we’ll be walking inside a life-sizes Imperial Star Destroyer.

Now that I would pay to see!


This is the only reason I wish Disney had the rights to Gerry Anderson and Glen Larson works as well.

To walk around a life-sized Eagle from Moonbase Alpha?

Hell yeah...
