MovieChat Forums > Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018) Discussion > Sorry haters, I'll gladly stand among th...

Sorry haters, I'll gladly stand among the few who liked it.

I thought Ehrenreich was perfect in the part. I'm even betting (and hoping) for a second installment, as they never led up to the Jabba story arc (other than a couple of ambiguous lines). Lando was just as likable as he was unlikable. The new guy in the Chewie suit was awesome. And the suspense was top-notch, even though we knew how it was going to play out, I still had the chair up my ass for about the latter half hour of the film. Haters can hate. That's their right. I just heartedly disagree.


One thing you can count on is that the interwebs -- and this kind of board in particular -- is going to contain a much higher percentage of haters than the number that represent the actual public. I mean, they live to hate and where else can they do it in a large way (to satisfy their ... urges) except places like here?

This film falls into the category of "hated it before I even saw it", what I call 'The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull' Syndrome (named for a film that was universally hated on the webs a year before it even went into production). And Solo unfortunately came on the heels of The Last Jedi, the film that coined the phrase 'Star Wars Fatigue' (a film that was flawed, but still had its worthwhile moments). So Solo pretty much hit the streets with a lot of skepticism, which is like rocket fuel for haters.

The film is decent. I would like to see a sequel.


The best part of the film was how it wasn't about Han's adventure at all, rather everyone else's (like Qi'ra for example) just from Han's perspective.

I wonder what she will get up to in the future, could she end up being the mother of a future character? She shows that she is good, but is also really a part of the dark side too

QI'RA A STAR WARS STORY: From the perspective of Han Solo.



I'm with you on this. It was a fun movie to watch. I don't get the hate.


I can genuinely say I liked this film.


I agree that the actors were fine. Ehrenreich didn't deserve so much hate. The problems were the boring and idiotic script as well as horrible visuals. And it was filmed too dark.


I can NOT say Ehrenreich was perfect. His short stature was terribly noticeable...he never convinced of fooled me into believing he was han...and his swagger was obviously a put on.
Disposable rewatch valueđź‘Ž
