MovieChat Forums > Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018) Discussion > Sorry haters, I'll gladly stand among th...

Sorry haters, I'll gladly stand among the few who liked it.

I thought Ehrenreich was perfect in the part. I'm even betting (and hoping) for a second installment, as they never led up to the Jabba story arc (other than a couple of ambiguous lines). Lando was just as likable as he was unlikable. The new guy in the Chewie suit was awesome. And the suspense was top-notch, even though we knew how it was going to play out, I still had the chair up my ass for about the latter half hour of the film. Haters can hate. That's their right. I just heartedly disagree.


Hey, I'm glad somebody liked it, even if I didn't!


It's difficult to "not conform" with something that is so universally one-sided ... like being forced into a position of supporting something that is comprehensively disliked in order to satisfy this requirement.




That's perfectly fine, Larry. The film is not hated anyway, people are just meh about it. It's mediocre, not bad.

First half was pretty ok, second half had some cringe moments, but whatever.


This exactly.

I didn't outright hate it or feel it was a terrible film. Rather, I just found it entirely mediocre and dull. There were a few good sequences, but overall it was like a sleeping pill.


More than a few like it.

More than enough voiced their chickenshittery about it, same as they do about everything else in this world that's inconsequential to everything except their peculiar sense of order and their sensitive butts.


You win the internet LOL! Cheers!


I thought it was more than decent, and enjoyed seeing it. Nothing all that memorable, but good fun.


I didn't like it quite as much as you did. I didn't think it was incredibly suspenseful or anything.

It was a decent SW movie. Better than the Last Jedi, for sure.


I agree. I thought it was entertaining for the most part and doesn't deserve the hate it gets. Nothing ground breaking or absolutely amazing, but certainly a lot better than TFA and TLJ in my opinion. I really enjoy the creativity of the different beings and worlds throughout the galaxy in these anthology films. The "twists" were predictable, but it was still overall an entertaining flick. I would have enjoyed a sequel too, but there most likely will not be one.


Star Wars is dead. I had hope after Force Awakens, as I didn't find that too horrible, but then came The Last Jedi and I will never watch another Disney Star Wars film again.
