I can't believe

that somebody actually liked this movie, what a piece of crap!!!!


It was a horrible film. No plot, highly unfunny, very predictable, wasted all the acting talent it had gathered. i wonder how it is among the best rated films of this year. It is worse than a commercial Bollywood film trying to funny. In fact, it wouldn't even have worked as a Bollywood film.


Anyone who likes this movie can't read cursive.

[On attending an Academy Awards ceremony] 'Like going to Liberace's house on acid.' - Tim Roth


Hahaha sorry you don't like it granny. It was pretty awesome.


You're just a troll.
Stop it. Go away.
If you think this movie is crap then you clearly don't watch many movies and don't know what you're talking about.
There's a reason this film has turned up on so many best of 2016 year end lists.
Because it's good.
Go find another message board to troll and stir *beep*
You're a moron.


Well, it was one my favorite films of the year, so we balance each other out.


Says someone who like mrs brown boys. Now that's crap


I actually love it was a noire comedie black humour find it super funny the plot was well written...


I agree. I thought this movie was terrible. It was extremely lame, and not funny.
