Teenager Watching Porn

Anybody else disturbed by that and having her talk about anal sex? Destroying her innocence there ruined her character. No parent wants their daughter watching porn at 13 years old, especially with the porn star that made the film.


Go back to church.

Or my isn't name...


I'm with dickmarvel. I was laughing and enjoying until that scene. Now, back to the movie in progress...hoping for some redemption.


I agree and just posted something similar on the actresses page. I went to her page to see how old she was--hoping that she was older than she is, sadly. Her character swears, I've heard my daughter do the same. But to hear her talk about anal? I just threw up in my mouth a little bit.

I have to check back here to see how many more pedophiles to claim I should go to church or defend the scene.


Yeah, I'm the pedo. YOU GUYS are the ones obsessed with the sex habits of a (fictional) child.

Or my isn't name...


Whose obsessed? The OP who asked if anyone else was uncomfortable or the troll commenting go back to church and contributing nothing to the conversation.

Clearly it didn't bother you, so why are you on this thread? Oh. To instigate!


What rock do you live under?

The new home of Welcome to Planet Bob: http://kingofbob.blogspot.ca/


Don't most pedophiles work in the church anyway?


I was watching porn at 12.


As were most people. It's just people like the above posters, who automatically forget all the stupid, dangerous things they did as a teen.

Then they go act all outraged on the Internet. Outraged about a FICTIONAL character doing FICTIONAL things. Things that most kids do anyway.

Or my isn't name...


You are correct.


You wouldn't have been in 1977.

Just the fact that she was at that very adult party and no one seems to notice was strange. I could have done without the anal reference.


*beep* Kids have been getting their hands on porn as long as porn has existed. You're delusional if you think there was EVER a time when they didn't.

The new home of Welcome to Planet Bob: http://kingofbob.blogspot.ca/


I think people forget what kids are doing when they're 13. I was a freshman in high school when I was 13, and I most certainly was exposed to porn, smoking, drugs, and sex. Especially in the 70s when parents reared their children to be independent, instead of smothering kids so that the parents will feel needed and can pat themselves on the back constantly.


Are Americans really into porn at 12-13? I didn't even know what sex was until sex ed when I was 14. I watched a true story film of Americans giving hand jobs at 14 in school and one of the kids compared it to holding hands. Is that the general mentality of Americans regarding sex?


It certainly happens. I don't know about where you're from. But, the United States has a lot of people. Not everyone does or thinks the same thing. There are kids having sex when they're 14. There are people who may not lose their virginity until they're in their 20s. Would I say that Americans are "into" porn at 12-13? Probably not many (except boys maybe), but many kids would certainly be curious and check it out.


It caught me off guard at first, but then I remembered "this film was set in the 70s", it was a totally different time. Also, this has nothing on the vulgarity that Danielle Harris'' character spewed in "the last boyscout", which Shane black wrote.


I don't think it ruined the character, but I don't think it was something that was necessary either. It was a little unsettling seeing her at that party,, particularly during that scene.



I think it was part of one of the issues Ryan Gosling's character had in the movie where the kids nowadays knew too much and gone where the days of gentle manliness. I found it to be a funny contradiction cause even though he was against it and try treating the kids as kids, he exposed his daughter to all sorts of bad language, his career cases, which were mostly a con, his excessive drinking, etc. His daughter as we got to see was a kid who knew too much! The part where the kid was watching porn with the actress was a little odd but it also fit with her character imo.


Nice post. I agree.

Poorly Lived and Poorly Died, Poorly Buried and No One Cried


You do realise this is a movie, and the she wouldn't have actually been watching porn, don't you?
And with the "magic" of editing, she could have delivered her "anal" line without taking part in the conversation. Anal isn't a rude word when used as OCD.


Exactly. They add the sound of the porn movie in post-production. Same with the kid watching the magazine. He was probably staring at a blank page.
