MovieChat Forums > Daisy_Mabel

Daisy_Mabel (119)


Gripe about ending (spoilers) Totally see why Friends could never have gone on Alex Borstein View all posts >


This guy clearly should not be living alone. The stupidity is scary. Because he's now running from the law and not in the same situation he was before. He broke the window and paid for that, but it meant that the kids would now have to pay for the tire. He's not exactly in a good spot to run to the bank. Looks like someone is triggered at the idea of a show that deals with fantasy or an alternate reality. Some people just don't have the imagination or open-mindedness to wrap their arms around a show that isn't a documentary. It's a fictional show. The only person who seems to be ashamed of their own history is you. People take creative license in adaptations all the time. You're just crying because seeing a black man scares you. They changed out the rape storyline because, since the book was released, we've had a huge change in how we view sexual assault and the most sensitive and effective ways of handling it. It's like you're a child. The show is - deliberately - not at all accurate about the fashion of the time. There are looks from all over the place in the show. I know your panties are all in a knot about the queen, but it's not just limited to her. Maybe you just don't like the show. It's not about historical accuracy. Dude, you're the angry one. You couldn't get nailed in woodshop. No wonder your mom locks her door at night. Wow, you are really stupid. And it's kind of hilarious. Incels CAN be funny. Sounds like someone is afraid of seeing different types of people in a tv show. Dude, do you live in a barn somewhere? How do you just not come across gay people, women in power, black and brown people or trans people in your life? It's weird that you're triggered by people just because they not white, male incels. No one sent her to explore on behalf of anyone. I'm sorry that you wrote that big long rant over nothing. Wow, and so much navel-gazing. Just worthless. The haphazard slashes and dashes, false verbs and your obvious attraction to the hulking big muscly black dude ... we can clearly see that you tried here. "A" for effort! Wow. Um, it's not you posting your opinion that makes you a crybaby. It's that your opinion shows you're a giant, gaping vulva who is afraid of his own shadow and gets scared when you see someone who isn't an incel like you. View all replies >