MovieChat Forums > Bridgerton (2020) Discussion > Queen Charlotte looks ridiculous!

Queen Charlotte looks ridiculous!

Please take note that for now, I'm ignoring the subject on her being black, considering many people have already covered it.

No Queen in her right mind would wear clothing 40 years out of date with the rest of the population. Queens like her would have been wearing the latest fashions for both the English and French, most notably Parisian fashions mixed with a bit of English flavor, as well as her own personal preferences, to go with the country she rules.

Even stupider, Frock Flicks pointed out that Regency England in real life really did have some weird fashions at court during this time period, and the designers didn't even use it!

They were too obsessed with making her look like some kind of bizarre, 18th century version of Beyonce, complete with wigs that looked like nuclear mushroom clouds on her head.


The show is - deliberately - not at all accurate about the fashion of the time. There are looks from all over the place in the show. I know your panties are all in a knot about the queen, but it's not just limited to her. Maybe you just don't like the show. It's not about historical accuracy.


What's the matter, didn't like that I dumped on your stupid woke fantasy show? Sounds like I'm not the one who has their panties in a twist.

It may be fiction, but it uses people and places that actually did exist in history, and then race-swaps them to make the studio look good, when in fact, not everyone in the target group is really impressed.

I deliberately didn't watch it because the very images they show are insulting to those who love European history and are proud of their heritage. It looks like crap, and is probably a lame soap opera, based on what I've heard.

I dare Netflix to try shooting a show that takes place in an African tribe in ancient times and have an all-white cast. See how far you get when you insult their history by comparison. Or how about we have a tv show about alternate history in America during the times when slavery was legal, except the black people are in charge and the white people are enslaved, dehumanized, and treated like shit. Bet that would go over really well with the black community, right?


Looks like someone is triggered at the idea of a show that deals with fantasy or an alternate reality. Some people just don't have the imagination or open-mindedness to wrap their arms around a show that isn't a documentary. It's a fictional show. The only person who seems to be ashamed of their own history is you.
