MovieChat Forums > Baby Driver (2017) Discussion > I don't get it, what's so special about ...

I don't get it, what's so special about this movie?

I feel like I've seen it all a million times before.

How this got 93% on Rotten Tomatoes is beyond me.

Just really glad that I didn't spend my money to see it in theater.


While the story was nothing new, it was the execution that impressed people (critics). The way they integrated the soundtrack into the movements of the cast, props, and choreography of the car chase scenes hadn't been done before. You could almost think about it as a musical where the songs aren't sung by the cast, and the dance scenes are performed by the cars.


I guess it's too bad I don't care for that kind of music. :(


You must like rap or something poppy. Maybe it is time to expand your musical taste.


What a ridiculous comment considering you don't know the first thing about me or my musical tastes.

No, I am not a fan of rap.


There was a good variety of music in the movie and not to like anything means that you are pretty narrow in your musical tastes. I only thought it was rap or pop music because most of the people who like that kind of music, like little else.


What do you mean by “that kind of music”?
It really didn’t stick to a single genre or era. It was pretty eclectic.
What sort of music are you into?
Just out of curiosity.


By that kind of music I meant oldies and classic rock.

I wouldn't defend my tastes on here, though.


Fair enough.There is music on the soundtrack that wouldn’t be considered either classic rock or oldies, and I guess with the history of popular music being so long I don’t reall think of oldies as a genre in itself. Music from the 50’s is pretty far removed from that of the 70’s for example.

You don’t have to defend anything. Listen to whatever you like. As I said, I was just curious.


I liked the soundtrack in Drive.


Me too. It added a lot of unique mood and atmosphere to the movie.
Although it wasn’t built into the action and story the way the Baby driver soundtrack is.
Although, those are very different films despite the superficial similarities.


I am not a fan of that movie either, actually (or anything by Refn, for that matter), but it did have some fantastic songs.

I was just saying, musically I and this movie (Baby Driver) are from different universes.


There were some songs that I didn't care for either but I looked past that and saw how they were used. I mean, I don't like regulation football but I can appreciate a well placed pass or a cool deke.


If you have to ask, then it's useless for me to try to explain it to you. I liked it, you did not. That's why they make chocolate and vanilla.




You know, when this first showed up for free to me on my cable service, I thought, “Oh, I should watch this. So many people are talking about it on MC.” And then I thought, “The people who’ve liked it aren’t my kind of people.” So I’ve never seen it, and I am glad. The same thing happened with Black Panther.

