MovieChat Forums > Baby Driver (2017) Discussion > Really dissappointed after hearing about...

Really dissappointed after hearing about how good this film was supposed to be

So many problems with this film.

Is it just me, or is Jamie Foxx way over the top in this film? Like to the point where there is no way it is believable that Kevin Spacy's character would continue to hire him for these jobs if he's acting like this all the time.

Another thing that also bothers me in this film is after they shoot the cops, Jamie Foxx's character is hungry and happens to pick the exact diner where Debbie works just to create tension. It's just so deliberate and inorganic.

Also, what is with the love connection between Baby and Debbie. They've known each other for like five minutes but they act like they've been dating for months. Nothing about this guy is sketchy? Really? He comes in with 3 unknown people, pretends not to know you, and there are no red flags waving in your mind?

Really glad I did not go see this in the theater now.


It was indeed extremely overrated. I can't even understand what the critics saw in this, practically unanimously.


I saw and enjoyed it..and have it on video, but I understand how it can see, overrated. Tale care.

Remember the Golden Rule. Whoever has the most gold makes the rules.
Golden Retrievers have the most gold, therefore they make the rules.


All right, you take care as well.


I agree
It was practically a comic book movie , but not as good


I'm glad I skipped it too and waited until I could stream it for free.

It's basically in the same vein as "Takers" which was suppose to be a millennial update to "Heat", which it was totally NOT.

Baby Driver is quite an apt title since it's dealing with Generation teXt


Yeah, the circumstance stuff in the screenplay is fairly lazy. But, also fairly typical these days.

I couldn't buy either Foxx or Hamm as villains or tough guys. I had MORE of a problem with Hamm, who I think just can't do bad guys, especially being AS bad as he's supposed to be here.

Another issue is that: Atlanta is just WAY too boring a downtown area to stage a car chase. Wright and cinematographer Bill Pope (of "The Matrix" movies) do everything they can with it, but it's just too generic a location to be interesting.


Jon Hamm couldn't be a bad guy? His starmaker role was an army-deserting identity thief who cheats on any woman he scams into bed, cynically exploits people for ad money, and abuses and hurts almost everyone around him. Don Draper's fight to claw his way out of being a bad person to find peace and happiness is literally the point of that show.

In Baby Driver, I think he was perfectly cast. He starts out as "the nice thief" - defending Baby and digging his music and his own "vibe", only to become more and more sinister and threatening. Hamm pulls that off well because of his natural charisma, so we buy into it before having him turn on us. It feels like a betrayal. Wright wields ironic payoffs like this well, as any excellent Brit would.


Only saw a few minutes of that entire show. I am reviewing this movie.


I guess I just found it odd when you made the proclamation that neither Hamm nor Foxx could play a bad guy when Hamm basically did that for a full TV show. Even if you hadn't seen it, it just means that you aren't familiar with the actor's biggest work, so to declare what he is and isn't capable of as a performer is a statement made from ignorance.

Had you said you didn't buy Hamm's performance in this film, I'd have said, "I really liked it," and let that be that. But the definitive, sweeping statement I think is unfair.


I just didn't buy their acting in this. That simple.


That's fair; I was responding to the statement that he *couldn't* not that you didn't like his performance, and I was disagreeing that he fundamentally couldn't.


I never bought John Hamm as a serious criminal. He was acting like the goofy guy from 30 Rock. I don't think he's meant for this kind of role. It's okay -- he does lots of other things very well.

I also thought the last quarter of the movie was filled with problems in believability. He keeps successfully escaping and there's no possible way anyone could have followed him, but the cops are right there every time anyway? And then, after a car falls several stories and there's a car fire, he's able to successfully drive out of the parking garage? It's not surrounded by cops at that point? And they stop him on a bridge heading out of town instead? What, is there only one way out of Atlanta? Not to mention that they probably don't even know what he looks like. So many problems caused by lazy writing.


Couldn't agree more.


My daughter is a big fan of the movie, and I just watched it. Solidly entertaining above average movie, but way over the top in many, many ways. That stated, I get it that it was intended to be. I was not aware of the hype so I did not feel let-down in terms of it being over-hyped.

As for Kevin Spacey, although he's clearly a bad person/criminal, I've usually like his acting. He was superb in Margin Call.


I agree it wasn't very good. Overly stylized without much substance and the lead actor has no charm or charisma whatsoever to the point that made me very suspicious that he's another rent boy turned "actor" who got lucky by doing "favors" for the right Hollywood connected degenerates behind the scenes. His character's interactions with Kevin Spacey throughout the movie makes it all the more creepy with lines like "That's my baby!" *rape face* Yeesh!


Not much substance? Are you sure you aren't talking about an Avengers movie?


No charm or charisma? Baby bopping around to his iPod, happily just makling his own music video and not giving a shit about anything isn't charming?


It's a movie. Maybe you should stick to realistic comic book movies where everything is organic.


Millenials will like this but its crap, some autistic kid with ear buds in his ears all day.

Jamie foxx...

Film is almost annoying
