MovieChat Forums > Interview with the Vampire (2022) Discussion > Race swapping added nothing to the show

Race swapping added nothing to the show

Race swapping Louis and Claudia to blacks added nothing to the story.


I disagree. I like the strong New Orleans, French and Creole cultures that were missing from the original as well as the empowered black characters in the racist South. The 1920s update was a good idea along with a more explicit sexual relationship between Lestat and Louis which was previously sanitized.

Huge improvement over the movie in which neither Cruise nor Pitt uttered a French word.


Why is every vampire a homosexual? They definitely over did it on the homosexual element. I’m a black guy and I didn’t like it that they race swapped Louis into a black guy then made him an overt homosexual, WTF?


"Why is every vampire a homosexual?"

That's an odd question. Vampires have always been bisexual.

You're not black.


Bro, I ain’t gonna trip over the not black comment.

Like if I were a vampire, I wouldn’t be seeking out male company.


You're still not black.

Sucking blood = vampire sex
You would be getting off on sucking the necks of men and women. There are no male vampires who turn down the chance to suck blood from a man. Sex is just the next step.



I've read Bram Stoker's Dracula. I doubt that you have.



Yet you responded thrice. You're clearly obsessed with me.



I guess they wanted to avoid the plantation and slavery parts of the book.


Yeah, the whole slavery element isn’t palatable to modern audiences. They don’t like to be reminded of real history, that once upon a time blacks were slaves.


You're not black.



I know a racist white guy pretending to be black in order to legitimize his racist comments.


Changing the time period and race-swapping some of the characters didn't help the show at all. It stinks, and I doubt many people are watching it, even Anne Rice fans. Only reason I know anything about it is because of the costume recaps over on "Frock Flicks."


Yes, it added nothing. Black guy here and even I can admit it.


So what if it didn't?

Aren't some people always complaining that race swaps alter the film/show in a way that they can somehow no longer accept or enjoy said story?

I would have thought that the usual snowflakes who get their knickers in a twist about race swaps would be pleased to hear that it changes nothing here.



Nah its the low hanging fruit that triggers dipshit "critics"
