MovieChat Forums > Deontay2024

Deontay2024 (22)


What exactly was Vincent? A new species? So are harfoots black hobbits? Woke remake no one asked for Race swapping added nothing to the show Aenne is hot It portrays an England unrecognizable!! Help finding this danish film… I’m baffled by the good reviews It’s only Star Trek in name. He was found civilly liable but not criminally? View all posts >


Yes, it added nothing. Black guy here and even I can admit it. Yeah, the whole slavery element isn’t palatable to modern audiences. They don’t like to be reminded of real history, that once upon a time blacks were slaves. Bro, I ain’t gonna trip over the not black comment. Like if I were a vampire, I wouldn’t be seeking out male company. Why is every vampire a homosexual? They definitely over did it on the homosexual element. I’m a black guy and I didn’t like it that they race swapped Louis into a black guy then made him an overt homosexual, WTF? Yes, this is it, thanks!! Haha standing around like it’s a golf tournament. It was a feature film. Dude, I watched the whole friggin ten episodes because I wanted to give it a fair shake. Nothing exciting or great happens in it, no great battles or fights, nothing… then it ends. Ugh. WTF. Ah thanks for the explanation. Still bizarre as the original trial acquitted him due to ‘insufficient evidence’. The dude is guilty as F. How much evidence do they need?! The only reason why he got off is because he benefited from the race appeasement social-political climate at the time. The establishment didn’t want blacks rioting if he got convicted. I meant the adaptation of the first book should have been three movies. View all replies >