best and Worst Chapter

The chapter when he has a family is amazing, i was watching with my jaw dropped. wow what a amazing scene. I love Uma Thurman but i didn't really get or like that first chapter. Do women behave like that?


When she is in the car with him


I've met a few who behave that way, critical, unsatisfiable, entitled, snide.

My first blind date was with such a woman. I ended up dumping a beer on her head just to shut her up. It worked.


I thought the family was the most imaginative, esp. what he does with "Grumpy" later.

I thought the scene with "Simple" was the most disturbing. I hate to admit, though, in a way she seemed to have earned what happened.

His payback to that smart-ass cop was another shock.


Thurman’s character was unbelievable and unrealistic.


I don't know if you are still interested in this after 3 years, but...

Thurman acted so so strangely I began to think Jack was an unreliable narrator. Like, he was making up how bitchy she was to justify his first murder to Verge.

I mean, she is stuck on a forest road, all alone, and she starts taunting this complete stranger about being a serial killer, telling him where he could hide her body, and pointing out that the jack could be used as a weapon? No woman would do that. As you said, it was unbelievable and unrealistic.

But rather than her character being a mistake by the writer, I think Jack may have been making that all up to convince Verge that Uma was "asking for it" when he killed her, and his subsequent murder career was therefore "all her fault".
