Best Season Yet!

I loved every episode. I usually find pivots that I can dwell on to ruminate about, but this season, as fleeting (thankfully, all at once, loved that!) as it was, was the most intense yet, in my humble opinion.

Every character was fleshed out, mostly. Nothing left dwindling. I had so hoped when Chloe asked to bring in the other two it was going to be, but I see that still, yet.

The finale was epic. And strongly ebbs towards a S5. In fact I've read they've already done ep1, so it may soon be about somewhere. If enough fingers are crossed.

All I know, is it was either the influx of an entire season that caught me so intensely, or the actual story progressed from a meandering saga, into what we'd hoped all long. I consider it the latter. This show has finally started !!

:) now have at it, you philistines, and berate me with your sullen opines !! hehe ;)


I hope there's another season. Tom Ellis is perfect!!!


Not really. Every character was dumbed down.


I liked the season, but it was also extremely predictable and it feels like every season is the same like a Soap Opera..just when he gets close to the Detective he has some reason he has to leave, or go get married or disappear. I guess the fear is once they are fully together it gets boring unless you end it, but it's getting kind of old.


Loo, the part about them not getting together is normal for this kind of shows. The tension keeps the momentum of the show. But, it is the development of the characters, or the lack of, that bothers me. Like in "Bones". They kept making Brennan dumber and more socially awkward from season to season.


What do you mean, there is tons of character development especially compared to most big network shows and especially S4. Lucifer takes 2 steps back for every step forward but that's his self centered personality. Trixie and Chloe are the only characters who are still basically the same person but that's because one is a child and the other is the stooge, or straight (wo)man.


I just looked at the Imdb ratings. The episode average for S4 is 9.5, the highest I've seen.


I can’t wait to see season 4. I have been watching the seasons on Netflix. I am in the middle of season 3 right now... 😊

