MovieChat Forums > Twin Peaks: The Return (2017) Discussion > Its absolutely ridiculous we're still st...

Its absolutely ridiculous we're still stuck with Dougie 10 episodes in

I mean my god the season is half way over and we still got this dumb Dougie comedy skit going on, Twin Peaks may not get another season and we've not had Dale Cooper at all in this season.

I wouldn't mind if i knew Twin Peaks was getting renewed for a 4th and 5th season but this may be it, so is it wise to completely take Dale Cooper out of it the entire time and waste our time with Dougie?


Is Lynch just intentionally fucking with us? Is he trying to piss us off?


I think Lynch is playing with our expectations - that's what he was always doing in his movies.

He knows everyone is waiting for Cooper to wake up - and he won't let it happen just like that. I have a feeling Cooper will finally return only in the final episode - that's probably one of the reasons this revival is called "The Return".


Yeah but i don't want Cooper back in just the final episode, i want him back for more than 1 episode after waiting 26 years for a new season. As i said it wouldn't be as bad if we knew there was gonna be a 4th season, and we then get Dale Cooper in the entire 4th season all through it. But as it is this could be the only season we get and we didn't even get Cooper in it at all.

Whats the point of Cooper even waking up if as soon as he does its the last episode and we don't get to see none of him?


Why do you need Cooper?


I'm kind of in agreement with Mister Babadook in that I would like to see Cooper. I know Lynch isn't a typical director, or storyteller, but for a show called Twin Peaks, we aren't really getting much of Twin Peaks. The main character that we are following isn't the same character as the one that we loved and I understand the frustration with wanting to see him back when we know he's in there.


But why do you need to see him? It's not like this is a weekly sitcom that runs 100 eps per year and you need to get your fix of Danny the Hunk or whomever. It's one story that has been planned, like a long movie, that we're seeing in parts. The story/movie has to go where it goes.


I don't have to see him. I would just like to. I understand that the story has been planned, it's just like a very long movie. We've been waiting for over 25 years. I know that not everything will be to everyone's taste. I'm just really hoping that we get a bit more Twin Peaks. If not Cooper, some of the other characters perhaps will get a little more screen time.

I will finish watching this season. Like I said I've been waiting for a very long time to see how this will play out. I was just hoping for something a little different.


Have you really been waiting?

Lynch has paid a RIDICULOUS amount of fan service. Every other scene is, "Hey remember this?" Have you nor seen the cast list? All these crazy nobodies were brought back just so we can feel satisfied. He got the log lady, even though the actress was on her deathbed. He got the dying old Doc to Skype in, for chrissakes. He put Bobby in a random role as a cop, and he brought Jacques Renault back to life. So just because Cooper is in every episode but he's not going around saying "Hi! I'm special agent dale cooper and that pie is damn good thumbs up" you have a problem? What about Dick Tremaine? Why can't we have him interacting with Lucy in every episode? And I want to see that soap opera they always used to watch on tv!


But he's not Cooper, he's Dougie. I would disagree that every other scene is a throw back to the original. There are throw backs, I'm not denying that, but I can't help my personal preference that I would like more. You seem to be really annoyed (I don't know as reading text I can inject my own tone) that I want something different from the show. Why does it bother you that the direction of the show is frustrating to me?

I didn't know that there would be a continuation of the show back in 92' when it left the air. But Cooper/ Bob in the mirror was one of those frustrating TV moments that I've always wanted an answer to. You talk about the crazy nobodies, but to me, the crazy nobodies of Twin Peaks were what made Twin Peaks so interesting.


Cooper finally got some sex!!! Be Happy for him!!! LMAO~


And here we hoped that once Dougie got fingerprinted in the previous episode, Gordon and the rest of the crew will finally find him. But no, not only can't we get old Cooper back, he remains totally isolated from his previous life, surrounded by strangers in Vegas. How long does it take to run fingerprints through the database? Hopefully not till the last episode.


I'm conflicted about this myself.


It is very annoying but don't expect the Lynch sycophants to agree with you. Lynch is definitely fucking with people and he hasn't put any effort into his work for decades. Why should he actually try when he could literally shit on the floor, smear it on the camera lens and critics and his idiotic fawning fans would proclaim it brilliant and pay money to lick the lens clean?


Don't be so quick to judge. You can make some serious money with coprophagia.


I hear the Germans go ape shit for it.


Pankoeken, we love to produce the product, and get paid well for it! Dump heil!!




"He's dead."


I, for one, welcome our new Dougie overlord.

At least he can get laid with the hottest woman on earth.


We all have our own ideas about what constitutes "hot." I'm glad that he got to splooge. I'm glad that she enjoyed it. Let's leave it that. Shanti.


"the hottest woman on earth."

WTF? I'm assuming you're a lesbian? Because even her lesbian lover in Mulholland Drive, oh and the other woman in Mulholland.... oh, and every other woman in Twin Peaks is hotter than that pancake-making wet rat.


I might not be a typical Twin Peaks fan, but I really didn't expect anything. I read most of the Mark Frost Book 'The Secret History', and it's all about back story. Former Mayor Douglas Milford was in the military and privy to a lot of secrets. Major Briggs was referred to also. Considering Frost is the co-writer some of this has to be addressed. It seemed to me it's suggested the first nuclear test opened the Lodges to Earth. I imagine Lynch and Frost really discussed what could happen in 25 years. A lot. I like the Dougie enigma actually. It seems that Cooper had a doppelganger himself and now inhabits him. I like the little nods to the townsfolk, Dr. Jacoby, Nadine, Hawk, Andy and Lucy, even the rehabilitated Ben Horne. I'd like to see Audrey for sure. But I'm really okay with whatever parts of the story are shown. Expect nothing and you won't be disappointed. Funny, Nadine's drapery store 'Run Silent, Run Drapes'. :/


I've personally got mixed feelings on the subject. Do I want to see Cooper? FBI Agent Dale Cooper? Oh hell yes I do. But, if you look at where "Twin Peaks" originally ended, and if, like me, you see "Fire Walk With Me" and "Mulholland Drive" as a stepping stone between season 2 and "The Return," Lynch is doing whatever he wants to do, and I think a major part of that is in fact subverting all expectations, despite what the fan backlash may be. Am I disappointed in certain aspects of what is unfolding each week? Yep. I sure am. But I'm also so intrigued by where this extension of the original concept is leading, so I'm able to look past that and revel in this bizarre and fascinating version of "Twin Peaks." Maybe when it's all over it'll make sense, or I might just be even more confused than I already am, but no matter what, I'm right there in front of my TV every Sunday at 8pm, so it's got me, even if I'm not fully behind the direction it's taking me.


While re-watching Episode 10 just now, to refresh my memory for Ep 11, a one-armed, bald giant with three testicles (don't ask) materialized through my TV screen, made a mental link with me, and I saw what Ep 11 will be SPOILERS: a full hour of Lynch, wearing only his birthday suit, jerking off, but not climaxing. Music by Black-Eyed Peas, unplugged. While pleasuring himself, Lynch will break the proscenium and address us directly: "Just remember the scene I put in last week's episode, the one where the Mitchum brothers sent Candy to bring the insurance guy to their office and then watched on their casino's surveillance system as Candy talked with the dude for, as Jim Belushi put it 'Four fuckin' hours,' until FINALLY bringing him to their office. I know your pain and exasperation. I know what I'm putting you through. I know . . . and . . . I FUCKING LOVE IT!!!"

PS To be clear: I do not hate this show. I had exceedingly high hopes for it. There is a shit-ton of talent involved in it; but I am very frustrated that it seems that it's being squandered. Madchen Amick? Two episodes? Amanda Seyfried? Two episodes?
