The soap-opera life history of Credence

Just read the synopsis of poor Credence. What we know so far:

"The disturbed adopted child of Mary-Lou Barebone, severely abused and downtrodden and named "Credence Barebone". Enraged by people's treatment of him, during the incident of 1926 he set his Obscurus parasite loose in New York City, causing widespread destruction. He survived in a tiny Obscurus fragment and was sought out by Grindelwald. He initially believed that he was Corvus Lestrange, Leta Lestrange's deceased half-brother. However, at the end of the second film, Grindelwald claimed that his real name is Aurelius Dumbledore and that his brother, Albus, would seek to kill him. In the third film, he is identified as being Albus's nephew rather than his brother, as he is actually the illegitimate son of Albus's brother Aberforth".

No wonder poor Credence is always confused and angry. ))) So at first they told him he was a Lestrange. Then they told him it was a mistake and he is actually Dumbledore’s brother. Then they told him he is actually his nephew. Next movie they will probably tell him that was another mistake and he has another parents ))))

That whole "Leta Lestrange's deceased half-brother" was one of the the most idiotic storyline in the history of Harry Potter universe. It was so confusing and senseless and they drag it for whole movie only to change everything at the end. Its like they made Credence that half-brother in the script. But then while shooting decided that its not epic enough and out of nowhere made him brother of Albus Dumbledore. But then had a time to think of if and decided that it was too much and makes no sense since he is too young so they made him his nephew )))) After all Ezra is 29 and Jude Law is 49 years old.
