Does anyone even care?

Genuine question...


I don't.


Meh..I'll rent it eventually like most MCU films.


I had never even heard of Captain Marvel until this movie was announced.

Now that I've seen the trailer, eh, I'll check it out. Can't say I'm especially hyped for it, but I'll watch it.

Much more excited for Aquaman, though.


Still not. But after I saw pics of Jake Gyllenhaal in costume, I'm kinda excited for the new Spiderman movie. 😅


I do


Still do. Oh yes. In fact, I always have (I see myself always caring about this character, period).

To think most fans would suddenly lose interest in an upcoming MCU movie because you personally don’t care for this character, is silly. Like it or not, Captain Marvel will be a major player in the future of the MCU.

By the way, the first teaser trailer for Captain Marvel received more views in its first 24 hours than Black Panther’s first trailer did —and bear in mind Captain Marvel has never appeared on the big screen unlike BP did in Civil War prior to starring in his own movie. So yes, it clearly looks like people care.


What? If someone doesn't have an interest in the character to begin with, why on earth would they give a shit about a movie based on said character? It's not silly, it's called "not wasting your time".

I never gave a shit about Captain America (for example), and he ended up being my least favourite Avenger. No surprises there.

It's silly to pretend you like something when you know you won't.


“Does anyone even care?”

Yeah, well to me this suggested that the general interest in Captain Marvel was never there to begin with. What exactly made him ask a rather rhetorical question like that? He doesn’t care for the character and movie. Hey, that’s fine! But to assume that this movie isn’t being anticipated is, yes, silly. No, not everyone (Marvel fan or not) is looking forward to it. However, nothing out there suggests that Captain Marvel is suddenly the one upcoming MCU movie the majority of fans are willing to skip.

Infinity War’s end credits ended with Captain Marvel being called upon. Audiences will now be introduced to this new character who will be very important come A4, yet OP genuinely feels like most people won’t care for her? Yeah, I call bs on that. And to reiterate, that’s what he was asking as far as I see it. And no, I’m not pretending to like something I haven’t seen. I do, however, know that Captain Marvel isn’t being written off by MCU fans and general movie goers as the OP “implied”. As for you, you yourself can pretend whatever you want.


Oh I SEE what you mean now... sorry, I misunderstood what you meant. Sudden onset of bad reading skills. LOL. Sorry about that!

Yes I agree, one can't hold it against anyone for anticipating something one personally doesn't care for.


I only care just to see how godawful filmmaking can be.


So in other words you are going to see it then?


if there isn't anything more interesting that week I might.


I want To see Shazam! more since that's the real Captain Marvel movie I am interested how much Captain Sjw will make it into the movie I'd Rather it Be A She-Hulk Movie
