
Do you think they will limit her powers compared to the comic version (who is so powerful that she can move entire planets)?

If so, that would be an improvement because overpowered characters get boring quickly. But they can't go too far because she will need to be able to match or beat Thanos who now has all of the Infinity Stones.


Why does she need to beat Thanos? This theory keeps floating around as fact for some reason.


I haven't read any spoilers, it's just a guess based on the fact that Nick Fury summons her after Thanos defeated the combined strength of all of the other heroes. Seems reasonable to assume that she will be the difference maker in Endgame.


I'm sure she will have an important role to play but there's this weird idea that Captain Marvel will beat Thanos by herself or otherwise does all the heavy lifting. Chances are, it will be a team effort. She'll have a major role to play for sure (my guess is that if/when the Avengers create their own Infinity Gauntlet, she will be the one to wear it as she can use her energy manipulation to keep from frying) but I doubt they will Justice League it.


That was a pretty spot on assessment of events to come. Bravo!!


My assessment about her wearing the gauntlet was wrong though.


I know and I wasn't (and neither should anyone else be) holding that against you. The bottom line was that you weren't succumbing to this cynicism and negativity associated with Captain Marvel and her position in this story.

I'm not one to try and guess and or anticipate where a movie is going to go and allow the film to lead me where it takes me. This way everything seems earned or not depending on execution. You nailed it that CM would be playing a major role but others felt she was useless and shoehorned in.

Your assessment of the character and what happened was pretty spot on to what was done.




Youre right, they moved her powers down from the comics but she is still the most powerful superhero of all the MCU. Basically like Marvel's Superman except I dont think she has any special weakness like kryptonite.


Somehow they make Superman overpowered and likable.


Thing is, Superman being so mighty worked in the Christopher Reeve films, and the one in between those and the recent ones, because it was Superman against some specific challenge designed to test his might. The recent films have failed, in my opinion, because they've surrounded him with more normal-level heroes, which means either a challenge that is insurmountable to the Batmans and Flashes of the world, or one that is a cakewalk for Superman. Endgame handled this problem well by keeping Captain Marvel occupied in another part of the galaxy, and having her show up in time to do the one thing they needed an overpowered hero to do, demolish that warship, after which she was beaten down by Thanos so Iron Man could step in and save the day.
