Pretty good movie

Solid 3.5 stars. Probably won't watch it again but it has some nice universe building and funny moments. I also love the cosmic stuff so there's that. Yes, Brie's performance was wooden but imo so is Benedict Cumberbatch's and Chris Hemsworth is pretty terrible as well.


Lol. Fair enough. Which means that Disney surely must have paid you.


Yeah they paid me to give it a 3.5 star review on an obscure chat site that makes sense


I'm joking dude. Making fun of the conspiracy cranks on this board.


Im glad you liked it.


Thanks Quioby1


Concerning Hemsworth, think it depends on the writers and directors. Kenneth Brannaugh, Tika Waititi, and the Russos all had a charming Thor. It was Whedon and the Game of Thrones guy who did Thor 2 who didn't know what to do with him.
