MovieChat Forums > Avengers: Endgame (2019) Discussion > ‘Avengers: Endgame’ Obliterates Records ...

‘Avengers: Endgame’ Obliterates Records With $1.2 Billion Global Debut

Dom $350m + Int $859m = WW $1209m!

It’s truly the Avengers’ world. The opening weekend of “Avengers: Endgame” demolished box office records with a stunning $350 million in North America and $1.2 billion worldwide.

Disney-Marvel’s fourth and final Avengers superhero movie has captivated moviegoers, accounting for more than four of every five tickets sold domestically. “Avengers: Endgame” topped the year-old “Avengers: Infinity War” records by nearly $100 million domestically and a jaw-dropping $560 million worldwide. China generated an astounding $329 million over its five-day launch weekend.


The most astonishing stats Ive ever seen.....

Endgame is now on track to be the highest grossing movie of all time...

It Literally Opened in Every single Market higher than IW....

Its broken literally every box office record possible!


R.I.P. Avatar lol


How much of that do you get?


How much of that do you get?

^^I've follow box office for 15 years and I've never seen a single cent.

I always laugh When people use the awful excuse "Oh Ya how much money you getting from the box office"

do you honestly believe anyone actual thinks they are getting a cut of the box office

its a beyond stupid reply and the person who says it clear never even thought about it

box office is a follow it because you enjoy it.

for others who dont follow box office but are happy about EGs box office, its no different than cheering for a sports team...

when your watching and cheer for you favorite football team are you sitting there thinking, "Oh man please win so I get a cut of The profits for the game"

I follow box office as a hobby, I'm enjoying EGs box office because Its something I've never seen before and probably never will again....

others are enjoying it because they are Marvel,MCU or Comics fans and are happy A film they love it doing good.

I can guarantee theres not a single person on this or any other forum following box office because they are expecting to get a cut...

in the future, try to think about your statements because posting them....the Old ""Oh Ya how much money you getting from the box office" I guess sounds ok but when you actually think about it doesnt make sense and is truly one of the dumbest things you can possible say...

basically I think it comes down to for some reason you are very upset EG is doing so well at the box office...for whatever reason its really bothering EG is doing great and so many people here are happy...

unfortunately for you, your just going to find a way to deal with that, because EGs box office has just begun, if your this upset now, its only going to get worse

Its clear the "Oh Ya how much money you getting from the box office" excuse is your first attempt to deal with the anger of EG's great box office

hopefully for your sake your 2nd attempt will be a better try and actually make sense



You are clearly brain damaged , reported



oh no....

you just called me a faggot and Im not actually will ever recover from such a damning callout!

lol again Think before posting....

calling some FAT is only embarrassing if the person is actually FAT....It simply makes no since if you call a skinny person FAT....

lol thats what you just did...Since I'm not gay...calling me a faggot truly makes no since and if not an actual insult towards me

I would need to be gay and be insecure about being gay for your "faggot" comment to make sense and bother me...

once again I repeat, please think before posting...

and lets hope your 3rd attempt to deal with the anger of EGs great box office is better than your 1 and now 2nd attempts that went down in flames....



Another one bites the dust!


'Avengers: Endgame' Decimates Record Books with $1.2 Billion Global Debut

Endgame's estimated $350 million debut will almost surely improve once actuals are revealed on Monday afternoon, but for now the film's opening is nearly $93 million larger than the previous record set by Avengers: Infinity War ($257.69 million) just last year and a whopping 90% of the overall weekend market share. After critics were overwhelmingly in support of the film heading into the weekend, the film's opening weekend crowd gave it an "A+" CinemaScore, the third such grade in the Marvel Cinematic Universe alongside The Avengers and Black Panther. The audience was 57% male and 61% was 25 years of age or older.

China ($330.5m)
UK ($53.8m)
Korea ($47.4m)


Also it opens in Russia tomorrow


holy cow ..!


Avatar is going down?


Its completely in play for Endgame to be the highest grossing movie ever now

In fact, as of right now, Its on Pace to...

but its impossible to really say because no one could give anything but a guess on how EG is going to perform from here on out....

EG's box office results are otherworldly, so far above anything thats come before it, Theres nothing to compare it to...

all we can say right now is....If EG performs like Normal films from here on out ...Its going to become the highest grossing movie of all time

If it just has the same MULTIPLIER as Infinity War from here on out....Its going to top Avatar


Official: Dom $357m + Int $866m = WW $1224m
So $14m more than estimates.


That's a completely exaggerated box office, please show us the real numbers. This movie is not that popular. If you ask me, the worldwide box office numbers have been fabricated. I smell a conspiracy.


Gitesh Pandya
‏ @GiteshPandya
6h6 hours ago

#AvengersEndgame continues to overperform. MON finished with around $37M dropping only 59% from SUN. All past #Avengers movies fell in the 64-74% range on their first MON, same time of year. #Boxoffice cume at $394M+. Will crush $400M today in record time in only its 5th day.


the A+ cinemasdcore is already started to show....

EG Over performed BOTH Sunday and Monday...

Its started to become clear theres going to be a Huge repeat viewing factor for EG....

Will be Over 2 Billion by Sunday....

were witnessing record...every record is in play for EG


BOMojo reports Mon foreign $949m up $81m from Sun $868m. Bill said domestic was $37m. Update: WW is $1343m on BOMojo.

Worldwide now #10, will pass BP and AoU Tue, Jurassic World Thu, and Titanic on the weekend!


Mondays HOLD was incredible....

Its almost beyond belief that EG had a better hold on a 357 M Opening than Avengers 1 did on a 207 M opening

you would expect with a opening number that HUGE....The drop on Monday would be much bigger.....

simply stunned at the Monday hold!

Also worth noting, EG is having Fantastic,almost never before seen HOLDS in China...and Now A 600 Million + final total is now likely!


All future movies will be made for a Chinese audience. You lose, ya cackling lunatic.


I dont get it?
