MovieChat Forums > Avengers: Endgame (2019) Discussion > Is the Black Widow movie rumors real? **...

Is the Black Widow movie rumors real? ***Spoiler**

If they are, how are they going to bring her back to life?


It will be a prequel movie with a different actress. Currently they are still acting as if Scarlett Johansson will play the character but the movie is actually in development hell.


Or someone will travel to an alternate timeline and bring her back , probably a different version of her


So Scarlett is done? I thought she was still going to do the solo movie.


Lucy and Ghost in the Shell proved that Johansson can't handle a lead role.

I think a Black Widow movie starring Scarlett Johansson would eventually get cancelled, if not already.


? Both proved she's more than able. But the movie is troubled.


She's not a very good actress, and her Black Widow hasn't been written as a very interesting person. She's mainly functioned as a foil for more important characters, and as eye candy.

And Marvel doesn't want to keep paying her movie-star bucks for that. You could predict a lot of the deaths and endings in "Endgame", according to who was getting paid how much and whose contract was coming to an end. Of course Downey was on the top of the list of actors getting paid an unholy fortune, because he got in on the ground floor, but Johanssen was there as well.


Johansson is a decent actress for an action star. I mean, Schwarzenegger and Stallone level.

Ever since I saw her in The Island (2005) I thought she would be a big action star. She is, and Hollywood producers thought so too, but turns out just not a lead role material. Which is hard to believe, actually. She got the look. Unique not generic beauty. She got the bod. However, like I said, Lucy and Ghost in the Shell proved that this is not as easy as it looks.

Even Daisy Ridley, a no name actress, out of nowhere, not as georgeous too, but she has the charm, she can actually be the leading star. Regardless of the movies quality, casting her is one of the most succesful thing Disney's Star Wars producers did.

Which brings us back to Black Widow movie. If she's so good, Disney wouldn't posponed it until today. It would've been produced and released right away after the smash hit Avengers movie. I mean, they had the chance to steal the title of first modern female superhero movie before Wonder Woman. But they didn't. Wonder why...

Also, Black Widow origin movie has already been made, starring J Law. It's called Red Sparrow. And it's a flop despite actually being quite good. So I really don't see how they could bring a Black Widow movie out now.


No. Scarlett IS playing the character in the Solo prequel. Where the hell have you seen otherwise? It will be a prequel movie with Scarlett. This is a fact.


In the world of comic books no one except Spider-Man's Uncle Ben stays dead. I wouldn't be surprised if Guardians of the Galaxy 3 is the story of a quest to rescue Gamora and Black Widow from the Soul Stone. Or, if Captain America already set something in motion when he returned the Soul Stone. In other words, they'll find a way. They always do.


Uncle Ben and Batman's parents.


True, Batman's parents and Uncle Ben are the only ones. It used to be Uncle Ben and Bucky, but even Bucky only stayed dead for 40 years. Gwen Stacy is technically another, but she gets cloned so often, and pops in from alternate realities on the regular, so she hardly counts.


Well super technically in DC's Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox, Flash creates an alternate timeline where Bruce is killed instead of his parents and his father becomes a violent Batman instead etc.


Okay then. It's only Uncle Ben.


They used to say that about Bucky too!


Gamora is already replaced with one from an earlier timeline. You don't come back from the soul stone transfer.


Yeah, Gamora has already been brought back, and they're not going to do exactly the same thing for a different character. Who isn't insanely popular and whose actor is getting paid very big bucks.

I predict that "GOTG3" is going to center around Quill trying to court Gamora again, and having trouble because Thor is there and he's going to be back in shape. And Thor is, well, THOR.


There is valid speculation that the replacement Gamora is dead, dusted in Tony Stark's snap.



Refresh my memory, was either Gamora or Nebula at Tony Stark's [spoiler]memorial service[/spoiler]?


Gamora was not there - I had thought that she was taken out too.

This could be the case if rescue was the focus of the next GotG film - and her not acknowledging Quill could indicate this also.


Well, Nebula is pretty cute too so...


That doesn’t sound right (Gamora getting dusted)

Gamora was fighting alongside the Avengers

Presumably the soul stone would give Tony the wisdom to only dust those on Thanos’s side
