MovieChat Forums > Avengers: Endgame (2019) Discussion > #NotMyThor is gaining momentum

#NotMyThor is gaining momentum

Seriously, what they did to Thor is this movie is absolutely TERRIBLE.


Some Marvel puppets on this board seems to think the exact opposite , which is just sad , they even enjoyed how they turned Hulk into a joke.


Hemsworth wanted to do it, and without him there is no Thor. Unless you want to re-cast him

It was just a bit of comic relief. He's obviously gonna be buff again in future films. How do you nerds take these popcorn escapist films so seriously?


It would be a comic relief if they did it for a couple of scenes , not the entire fucking movie


I would argue that the cringe comedy "Ragnarok" made a joke of Thor first.


Yes i agree but at the end at least he was the real Thor , like he was in IW , in EG he was absolutely pathetic , both his look and personality.


He was also goofy in the first and second Thor film. People forget those two movies a lot.


No...a "cringe comedy" would be Aquaman. At least most of the humor in Ragnarok landed.


My thoughts exactly.


I love Thor....

and While I would have preferred Him Turn back into The Muscle Thor....

I wish at the end when Cap,IM and Thor were going to fight Thanos and Thor Called the his hammer and his Beard and Hair Magically became braided....

I was hoping he was turn back into normal Thor there.

But I must say...The more I read about WHY the Russos and writers did this with Thor....The more I'm ok with it....

Thor really has had WORSE than any other MCU character....He's truly lost everything and everyone!

and Then The Guilt of "Not Going for the head"...he personally Feel 100% reasonable for what happened

Once he realized The Infinity Stones were gone, You can see the look on his face, He GIVES UP...He then cuts Thanos Head off as the ONLY revenge he'll ever get and walk out in pure defeat and shame....

Thor was done at point, Lost everyone he loved, Lost his entire family one by one,Lost His Home, completely destroyed, Failed In Battle which he feel personally responsible for Half of all life gone and Now he knows there NO WAY to ever fix or change it....

bottom Line....Thors character in the film...Might actually be the realest character and truest, While I dont love it....

I completely understand it and even respect it


Very well said!


Thor losing his beer belly by summoning his hammer wouldn't make any sense.

It would also go against the whole purpose of why they fattened Thor up in the first place. They did it so Thor wouldn't just steamroll over 2014 Thanos and to give other Avengers the chance to battle against him.

They weakened Hulk as well for similar reasons except Hulk never got his rematch against Thanos.

But from a narrative standpoint it all made sense. Thor having a beer gut makes sense. Hulk becoming Professor Hulk makes sense. Captain Marvel being gone in space makes sense. Iron Man being the one to snap Thanos away definitely made sense because it was all part of Strange's plan which is why Strange asked Thanos to spare Tony's life.


I dont really have a problem with him having such PTSD or even being overweight and an alcoholic. But the fact it was a constant joke was dumb. I'm fine with occasional jokes about it, but it was nonstop and not even funny. Like he had an amazing scene with his mom, but then they HAD to add the joke, "And eat a salad" which isn't even funny or clever.


Exactly! you nailed it , that's why i'm so pissed about it.


Sorry it's destroying your life.


I'm not sure how expressing anger about a particular movie-making decision implies that a life is falling into ruin, but...its a damned funny premise.
Like putting a gun in your mouth if your spouse brought home the wrong flavor ice cream or something...


It's been going on since the movie came out. Justice for Thor fans. They'll probably make him badass again in the next movie but what they did with the character in Endgame is hugely disappointing.


NotMyThor and Justice For Thor



the netizens never cease to amuse me ...
