MovieChat Forums > Replicas (2019) Discussion > Metascore 17 vs Imdb users 5-7*

Metascore 17 vs Imdb users 5-7*

Critics don't get Sci Fi, or is there another reason for disparity? Similar at RT.


They didn't pay off the critics like other organisations do = no shilling.

Not that this movie looks good in the slightest though ...


You have any proof of people paying off critics? If so please provide it. I will wait.


I saw Replicas today and it's . . . okay. It's not particularly good but I wouldn't call it a total waste of time either. There are some interesting ideas there but the execution leaves a lot to be desired. The first 10 minutes are actually pretty great, but sadly the film can't maintain that early momentum.

A 17 is overly harsh and makes the film out to be worse than it actually is. On a scale of 1-10, I'd probably give it a 5.5. Maybe a 6 on a day where I'm feeling pretty good.


no, it's because the movie's script is terrible, and anyone with an ounce of common sense can't suspend disbelief to get past the whopping mistakes in the premise.

but it was fairly competently acted and directed and enjoyable, if more from a comedy standpoint than from sci-fi
