MovieChat Forums > Don't Breathe (2016) Discussion > To the people defending the thieves.....

To the people defending the thieves.....

To the people defending the thieves, realize that they had broken in and entered someone else's property .....with a loaded weapon....right? That poor blind man was in danger of three potentially dangerous people potentially killing him in his home. You must not understand what trespassing with a loaded gun really means. And he was blind. He needed to do whatever he could to defend himself. I don't support him for locking that girl in his basement, who killed his daughter by the way, but beyond that, his behavior was justified.


Well the poor blind man's actions weren't fair/logical either. Which is the best thing about the movie. None is really good, none is really bad.


He wasn't a Poor Old blind Man.


I don't support him for locking that girl in his basement, who killed his daughter by the way, but beyond that, his behavior was justified.

It sounds an awful lot like you support that scumbag more than the other 3


They had absolutely no intentions of hurting the man until he ended up attacking and killing one of them. He has just as much innocence as the three thieves did: zero. Technically, all of them should be in jail (Money, too if he was alive as well as the rich girl who ended up dying).


To add on to OP's post, the thieves have probably ruined the quality of a greater number of lives than the blind man.


I dunno, that girl did deserve it.

I don't care about a troll who doesn't pay for his opinion telling me how to review movies.


I actually had some sympathy for the old blind guy. He didn't start out intending to kill anyone. He planned on freeing the girl he was keeping in his basement after she bore him a child. She'd killed his only child, probably his only reason for living. It isn't conventional, but it does seem like poetic justice that she should bear him a child to replace the one she'd taken. In modern society he's blamed for imprisoning her against her will, but in his eyes, why should she get away with what she did with absolutely no consequences, probably not even a backward glance. And he didn't rape her. He artificially inseminated her. Quite a difference. His motive wasn't to hurt her or to get sexual-gratification for himself. It was to make her bear him a child, to replace the one she'd taken from him.

He needed his fortune in money to raise the child that he was hoping to have. He'd surely have to hire a nanny to help raise his new child, and he'd have to pay her for the next 20 years or so. His V.A. disability pension surely wouldn't pay for it, it probably wouldn't even support himself. The 3 teenage thieves didn't spare him a thought, and it didn't seem to bother them that they were robbing him of the only money he'd ever have, or that it would ruin his life. I don't know why they should expect him to show them any mercy after they'd broken into his home, taken his money, and destroyed his life. He had a right to defend himself, and he certainly couldn't allow them to go free after they'd discovered the girl in his basement. The 2 boys got what they deserved, and the girl should be ashamed of herself for what she did to him.
