MovieChat Forums > Cleveland Abduction (2015) Discussion > There have to be more kidnap victims hid...

There have to be more kidnap victims hidden in cellars, I bet, out there

Only think how many more women can be kept locked up by some evil men out there as well. I remember every time a case like that came to light, people on the net asked themselves if it could be that there were more women like this out there - after the Kampusch case for example - and later on, like 3 years later there was the case of Jaycee. And after Jaycee there were folks on the net commenting on this that "you can only think how many more women like that could be kept in someone's secret basements" - and voila! - you got the Cleveland case as well, now. And here comes my question: how many unfortunate victims could there be out there. Only think of it.



"more women"

Only care if women are locked up?

News flash dude there more slaves in the world right now than they were was in the history of the human race.

Men are indeed locked up by evil scum bags out there just like women and children are.


There is only one solution: DESTROY ALL CELLARS!


I read in Sweden there was a dude recently who kidnapped a woman but he was stupid enough to let her out to take her to the police and she told them everything - she spent there with him only like a week.



Let's not forget that the victims are not kept in the cellar the whole time. There is the case of the GIRL IN THE BOX, Colleen Stan, whose kidnapper had her so brainwashed that he allowed her to visit her family for a week and she never tried to escape. Jaycee Dugard was held for 18 years, and even ran her captor's printing business.

It's not that the victims don't want to escape, they CAN'T. Their minds have been so twisted by the ordeal they just don't think escape is a possibility for them.

No animals were harmed in the posting of this message, but a number of electrons were annoyed.



And now there is the case of Kohlhepp. So you see, there ARE still women like that.

