MovieChat Forums > Billions (2016) Discussion > Show about a bunch of a-holes with bad d...

Show about a bunch of a-holes with bad dialogue

What is the appeal of this show? It tries so hard to be clever but it’s not. It tries to be edgy, but it’s not. It think it has interesting characters but it doesn’t. I liked seasons 1 and 2 and casually kept up with the following ones but it has become repetitive. It also seems dated now that real billionaires have lost their luster. Ferraris and jets and debauched office parties, yawn.


It’s losing its luster for me. Starting to drag. Trying too hard to be clever with the quips and one liners. Taylor’s Mase Cap team sucks. They provide nothing but boredom and time filler as they try to stretch this show out. Everyone is a genius playing everyone. There are no good guys. Everyone is selfish. After a while it just gets old. Have Axe bang Wendy. Get to the point already.


Yeah I'm thinking the show jumped the shark when Becky Lynch showed up to do the job for Wendy. They had a pretty good setup at the end of last season with Taylor set to let Ax and Chuck destroy each other but they pretty much undid it with Taylor already telling Ax she was sent in by Chuck. Just feels like the show is largely going in circles now.


It is just bad now....let it die


Or. . .and here's a radical new thought for you. . .just don't watch it.

Boom! Problem solved.

Yer welcome.


I do not watch it any longer....Here is a radical new thought for you, most people are more intelligent than you.


LOL. . .You fail at logic, basic comprehension, and (apparently) life.

You are so clearly unintelligent I feel bad about pointing out your deficiencies. . .so do everyone a favor, and save me the trouble. . .back slowly away from the keyboard, pack up your computer, and sell it to someone with a couple brain cells to rub together.

Then, I dunno. Get thee to a nunnery, or something.


^This. But then there’s no freedom to display crypto RAGE!

THIS was directed to
your prior post, Goliard, responding to a troglodyte. This site is truly feeble.

Sadly, so are most of its members.

“Most people are more intelligent than you”?! You do know there are several different kinds of intelligence, right?, he asked with a rhetorical question. Oh, you don’t? Quelle fucking shock.


LOL. . .It's truly baffling how some people will insist that a particular show/series should be cancelled, because They don't like it. The logical contortions are simultaneously horrifying & fascinating. . .
