MovieChat Forums > Catastrophe (2015) Discussion > Am I the only person not to find this Fu...

Am I the only person not to find this Funny?

I see this has something like an 8.5 IMDb rating and hear lots of people sincerely raving about it.

But just wondering does anyone genuinely not find this funny?

I'm not here to slag it off, as I've watched all 3 episodes aired so far, and really want to give it a chance, but just can't remember laughing at anything in it so far. Not sure she felt like crying or if she was horny?... mehhh..


Yep. Your the only one. Everyone Ive talked to loved this show and found it difficult not to watch the entire 3 hours in one go... and now we are waiting for the second season.

If you love traditional american sit coms, this may not be for you. I can see some people being put off by the realistic adult subject and modern points of view. If you love brilliant writing, genuine chemistry and an original take on the romcom then this is for you.


I really love it, but I can see that it might not be everyones cup of tea.

Not trying to be condescending but maybe it's an age thing? (obviously I don't know your age - more wondering?) As a woman "about that age" I relate a lot to her situaion, the stress of being pregnant at that age, also learning how to deal with someone in your space when you've never had to deal with that before. I love that their both a little weird but they seem to get each other. I really love most of the dialogue between them. It's funny, it feels real, and for me it's relatable. if that makes sense.




I find it quite funny and well written.


I just saw all the episodes, and I laughed plenty times!
I really like this show! Little annoyed about his gayish voice, but that I can take.
Hurry with S2!


Do you mean Rob's voice? Someone else posted that they thought his voice was "gay" and I really don't understand what you mean. I don't believe in "gay voices", but I'm genuinely curious as to why you find his voice gay, so I would very much appreciate some elaboration. It's driving crazy not understanding what you mean. Thanks!


I think it's brilliant on so many levels. Great acting, chemistry, wit, charm, pathos, and character development. Funny, realistic, and touchingly poignant moments that are genuine, and not forced, even in developing minor characters.




Yeah, it has loads of great qualities.

I've been watching a lot of comedies and shows recently, and wondering why I do when I don't find them funny.

If a comedy isn't making you laugh what's the point? E.g. recent Family guy.
And there was little left after the laughs I didn't get.

I tried the first episode of this and it made me laugh out loud several times, fair bit more than peep show (which I really like).

Now seen 4 episodes, and all made me laugh out loud. And episode 4 almost made me cry at the end. Didn't expect that.

It's well acted, well written, really funny, and has emotional depth.
Perhaps it suits my taste well. A lot of the laughs are because the characters themselves are funny, and joking. Which is refreshing versus trying to get laughs from someone acting unrealistically stupid.

It feels real.

Best comedy I've seen in a very long time.

Also reminds me of NYLON for obvious reasons, which I think was a channel 4 short two series drama - American girl, British guy - which I enjoyed years back.


no, you are not the only one.

also ignore the people that try to sound more cleaver then you just because you don´t like the same tastes ;)

i like comedy, i´m intelligent. i didn't liked this. so din´t feel bad or alone :p




I don't get how one would find trashy sh** like this funny. its no different then those teen sex comedies...except even lamer.


Sharon Horgan is not my favorite actress, she basically plays the same character in everything, but I agree the first couple of episodes were only so so but I have learned with Brit comedies that it takes a few to really get great. I love the premise and enjoy the program but wish another lead actress had been cast, but if Horgan didn't cast herself in her projects she might not work


I liked it well enough, but I didn't laugh once. Now before people start in on how I must not have "gotten the subtleties", I did get it. I'm not too young to understand it. The subject has been done to death though. Nothing really new or groundbreaking at all. The writing is decent however. I'll probably continue watching when more confess out, but it rings as more of a quirky drama to me.


I don't get it either. A lot of people whose tastes I usually trust are raving about it, but it seems like just another low-brow Knocked Up knock off to me.

It's like Knocked Up if Seth Rogan was really good looking, and Katherine Heigl was not as good looking and 20 years older. It's as if Rob's character was written for some schlubby goofball. He's way too good looking to put up with her constant belittling. He finally drops the "nice guy" act in the final episode, but it's too little too late.
