MovieChat Forums > Catastrophe (2015) Discussion > Am I the only person not to find this Fu...

Am I the only person not to find this Funny?

I see this has something like an 8.5 IMDb rating and hear lots of people sincerely raving about it.

But just wondering does anyone genuinely not find this funny?

I'm not here to slag it off, as I've watched all 3 episodes aired so far, and really want to give it a chance, but just can't remember laughing at anything in it so far. Not sure she felt like crying or if she was horny?... mehhh..


It's well written adult humour so maybe it's not your speed?
I think it's brilliant and they have such great chemistry.
So happy a Season 2 has been ordered.



Either that or your mind is small enough that it keeps you occupied.


i think it's absolutely brilliant - not really suited to people who like laugh tracks to tell them what's funny though...


absolutely brilliant - not really suited to people who like laugh tracks
Agree and agree. These two are a great couple and fun to watch. Kind of unusual for something like this when the leads are a little bit older than your normal late 20s romantic comedies, but it works. They both write it too, I have to wonder if they are a real couple. They have great chemistry. And funny!

looking forward to the second half/season. I just hope it's not too baby heavy. I like them dealing with each other as a hurdle, don't want them dealing with a new baby as the hurdle. Although I'm pretty certain it will be about the baby

Great show and lots of fun.


I've watched a few interviews with them and they don't seem to interested in making the show about the baby. They are even considering a time jump.





I found it hilarious.


I agree OP.

Now, I've only seen a few episodes, but the writing is dumb, and the overall tone is dumb. The two leads are convincing as friends, but not as a couple, so that also brings the show down.


I agree OP.

Now, I've only seen a few episodes, but the writing is dumb, and the overall tone is dumb. The two leads are convincing as friends, but not as a couple, so that also brings the show down.

Thank you 5535!

I was beginning to think I was the only one.


With regard to the first reply by username; M-cub":

It's well written adult humour so maybe it's not your speed?

How sophisticated "M-cub", treating me with mocking condescension, when I simply aired a view. Stay classy!


it's kind of a trashy deshinibited humor that seems to encounter some success u know, it's lame enough to throw me off at times but weird enough to keep me & some i guess, interested enough, you know.

i'll definitly watch it trough but i sure ain't putting it on my toplist of bought medias to be shown to my upbringing :)


You need to bring your Translator into the shop.




I think the point of the entire show is that they are learning to be a couple. They even say in the show that they don't know each other.

Their situation is far ahead of their brains and that's the attraction. They're trying to figure out if they like one another while they are the way to the altar.

It sounds like you may prefer a show with symmetry and things that make rational sense. Not all shows are for all people but those who understand the dynamic will get more from it.


Good response. I do disagree with the assertion that those who don't like the show don't understand the dynamic between the two leads. This show is not complex, or difficult to understand. It just isn't going to appeal to everyone.



I find it that the shows doesn't really holding audience's hands with deliberate jokes and laugh tracks. It all comes naturally in the expressions of the characters and their actions.

It's comedy, yes, but the jokes are delivered like a good massage: subtle, needs a good amount of time, sometimes painful, but in the end leaving you relaxed and wanting more.

Even the inclusion of the children is brilliant.


It's a bit variable and I don't think it's a "laugh out loud" comedy, if that makes sense. But, I have enjoyed it a lot... Sharon H and Rob D are very good together and really likeable to watch... I'll happily watch a second series. Though, they could maybe try and slightly move away from the home / work / socialising stuff, which is pretty ubiquitous in comedies... More of the fab Mark Bonnar... Less of Ashley Jensen.


I'm american, I think it's really good, I've only seen the first three episodes but I liked it from the start, really any show/series created/written/starring by the same people is usually a hit, their "friends" though are really annoying and I couldn't stand them from the start...but I guess they're a necessary evil for some of the comedy to work, anyway I've been looking forward to a comedy with an american in london, I like seeing the differences, things I never notice

"how's a fella go about gettin' a holt of the police?" -Karl





Not even close.
Watch, then review. It's pretty simple.


Actually, this show does have a comparable premise to "Knocked Up."





"Am I the only person not to find this Funny?"

Yes, apparently.



Hey look, it's that badass Versace again!

