MovieChat Forums > The Prodigy (2019) Discussion > Has horror with kids EVER worked?

Has horror with kids EVER worked?

They're crap. Every time. There is nothing scary about a kid in horror movies, no matter what they do. I don't even need to see this one. The trailer. The poster. It's all WAY more than enough.


So, then DONT SEE IT!
Oh, in answer to your question.....ABSOLUTELY.
Hundreds of them have "worked" and worked well.


The mic was already dropped.

And no, they haven't.


Why bother posting if you don’t want a reply?


The Babadook was one of the better one still it's just a one time watch


Yes, the first two Omen films from the 1970s, for example.


No argument there.
How about "Let Me In" OR for the people who wont acknowledge the the American one "Let the Right One In". How about "IT".
Given the time to look up various older ones, I could come up with at least a hundred. However people like the OP would say they were all crap.
He is either trolling or is one of these people who hates kids in movies no matter what. Either way, the subject is beyond stupid as well as his irrelevant retort.
If people would like, we can hijack this stupid thread and continue our list of favorites. I have a lot more I could share.


It is a perfect example (both versions).


Ok, you know what duster? I don't think you have any need to figure me out. True, I am not a big fan of kids, but I don't dislike kids in movies, and I don't dislike movies in general when kids are in them. My opinion is not "stupid", it is valid. My opinion on horror movies is that sometimes when kids are somewhere in the central plot, the horror tends to tread a little too lightly. That's all I am saying, and just for the record, I entirely agree with foebane. The Omen films (at least the first two) are a great example of what works well. I love those movies, and hadn't even thought about them. I'm not a troll. I make observations, and form opinions on them. That is what these boards are for, are they not? Back off.


Oh; so now I am taking orders from you ....................
Your mic is working again? You suddenly found that your blanket "Has horror with kids EVER worked" statement WAS stupid eVen though you insist its valid?
You agree with foebane on HIS examples but you apparently still wont acknowledge any examples that I gave?
Excuse my "assumptions" when you gave an abrupt. seemingly rude, reply that was pretty much incomprehensible to me. All I was able to make out of it was you were right and I was wrong.
To save you some trouble of trying to "figure ME out" let me STATE what I am about.
There are people who love to crap on kids in movies. Some of the worst offenders are Hollywood and those who employ them and consequently dispose of them when they are no longer needed or wanted. I DONT believe at this point that you are one of these people.
I actually have a real sense of caring about kids. its a natural instinct. I dont really want to see them in peril. Worse yet, I dont want to see them as evil. These are things that make kids in horror movies very uncomfortable and unsettling. But that is what horror movies are. Prodigy, is the second of the two examples. I saw it tonight. There is nothing "tame" about it. The writing is fairly solid. The performances are good.

As for telling someone to "back off".
You state what the boards are for. What you have no right to expect here is to drop your opinion and not expect a reasonable challenge to it. dont expect that others wont present opposing views and back them up with decent evidence to the contrary. You felt you could drop your little bombshell and retreat. It doesn't work that way.
I'm not the "bad guy". But I dont back down from something that I know can be won.
Now go see the movie and tell me why you were right and I was wrong.
Maybe we just have different ideas of what a horror movie is supposed to be.


Right on


Can't argue with a fucktard


Thanks for confirming that I have been arguing with a fucktard. I'll keep that in mind for the future.
I will leave it up to those who read this thread to decide just who the fucktard is here. I didnt bring any name calling or profanity into this discussion.


Plenty of horror movies with kids in have been good: The Shining, The Omen, Poltergeist, The Babadook, The Innocents etc.

It really isn't anything to do with the kids, it's about the writing. A horror film is only as good as the writing makes it, not how many kids are in it.


You're exactly right. The shining and Poltergeist were on my list of many examples.
I have not seen Babadook yet but have heard a lot of good things about it.
I will add it to my "must see" list.
One of my favorite Horror movies is The Ring. David Dorfman was the kid in that movie and was part of what made the movie great. He was in the second one too but I feel that one was not directed well and lacked much of the shock value of the original. Dorfman was still as good as he could be with what was given to him.
In any event, I bring it up because David Dorfman is sort of a real life Prodigy.
Dorfman was admitted to UCLA at age 13. In 2011, he graduated as valedictorian, and was admitted to Harvard Law School at 18.
Thats pretty impressive.
Anyway there are a number of great horror movies where kids have had leading roles or significant roles.
I'd love to hear others thoughts on movies (with child actors) they like.


And what about The Exorcist? Arguably the best horror film of all time revolved around a child. Unless you're in the camp that believes that was not a horror film


That's the first 1 that came to my head. That is the best horror film ever IMO and she was only 12. Then the Omen movies of course.


I dunno.. I thought The Possession was pretty good




ET, too funny. Got a chuckle out of that 1.


The Omen
The Exorcist
The Innocents
The Others
Village of the Damned
Children of the Corn
Interview with the Vampire
Let the Right One In
The Good Son
The Shining
The Bad Seed
The Sixth Sense
