

I'm sorry but I myself being too young to be nostalgic about the original like most people dismissive of the sequel, I actually prefer Ghostbusters 2 quite a bit more.

That being said I also don't understand why fans would be interested in 1. Yet another reboot after the failed debacle a couple of years ago. 2. Want a sequel without Harold Ramis/Eagon which for me personally kills any interest


The concept does have the potential of one adventure after another.


I love Ghostbusters II. It's hysterical!

It's a criminally underrated sequel that is has become cool to bash on for whatever reason, probably because of morons who look for reasons to support the 2016 "reboot" wherever they can get them.

I also would like to see this happen because I like Jason Reitman WAY more than Paul Feig, and I want to see what he can do with a continuation story from the first TWO films.

So a short answer to your question is, yes, I've seen Ghostbusters II, and I think it's awesome, and one of the most underrated sequels there has ever been.



I thought GB2 was only OK, but I thought the Statue of Liberty being controlled by Nintendo and the Mood Goo was cheesy beyond tolerance. And no, I don't support GB2016 in ANY way.


The statue of liberty was controlled by nintendo really? I'll have to watch it again now.


There was a shot of a controller, that's what I mean.


That actually sounds awesome now. At least it wasn't Intellivision.


You are aware the movie is a comedy, right?


If there had been more than two Ghostbusters films in the first place it would likely have the odd or even numbered thing going on.


I love Ghostbusters II. It's hysterical!

It's a criminally underrated sequel that is has become cool to bash on for whatever reason, probably because of morons who look for reasons to support the 2016 "reboot" wherever they can get them.

I also would like to see this happen because I like Jason Reitman WAY more than Paul Feig, and I want to see what he can do with a continuation story from the first TWO films.

So a short answer to your question is, yes, I've seen Ghostbusters II, and I think it's awesome, and one of the most underrated sequels there has ever been.

👍Completely agree. Ghostbusters 2 was a great sequel that's underrated by many due to nostalgia blindness
& angst.


Ghostbusters 2 is watered down cartoony crap aimed at 7-year-olds. Anyone who likes it is just banking on nostalgia. I used to love it growing up until I saw it for the first time in years and realized how lousy, edgless, and saturday morning friendly the jokes were.


The scene that gets me in GBII is the one where they are speaking to the cop while trying to dig up the street. The cop has no idea who they really are. These are a bunch of guys who saved the city while causing a fair bit of damage a few years prior and a cop doesn't know who they are?

I agree it's not as bad as a lot of people say it is though.


I don't want this. A ghostbusters movie about teens? What kind of crap is that?! I'd rather that they just let it be and not make any more. As for how I personally feel about the series -I love the original, the sequel was funny, but it wasn't a good film.


We’re not. Nobody ever wants these sequels/reboots twenty years later. This movie won’t flop, but it also won’t make a billion dollars like these delusional studio execs want it to. Not even close. The only franchise that anyone still gives a shit about after all these years is James Bond, but I feel even that will be ruined once Daniel Craig leaves town.


They just can't leave anything alone.


20 years would be bad enough but 35 years after the original (20 years after GB2) that is a lot of time between films. I don't even think they would have bothered if it weren't for the horrible GB 2016.


I love part 2
Since part 2 I have been waiting for a 3rd one.


Thirty years for a third movie to happen, usually between movies it's a lot shorter, a third movie should've happened way back in the 90's but now it has to be a legacy sequel like Creed since Harold Ramis is no longer around and the other guys are too old.


Watch the cinema-ization of the 2009 game...its like a 3rd movie.



Yeah the video game is basically the third movie fans wanted, it's success showed the franchise still had interest, but despite that continuing interest I think there had to have been more than two Ghostbusters movies in the first place to create a sufficiently large franchise.


Hollywood doesn't have any original ideas anymore for some reason, even though there are millions upon millions of novels out there to base films on. There will still be a new Ghostbusters film in 2082.


GB2 is awesome.
