The muslim girl in the class.

I could see conservatives fuming when they showed a girl wearing a hijab. Shame it was only a one second cameo.


Muslims love peace more than anything. Killing innocent people is just wrong. Fortunately, Muslims believe all people who aren't Muslim are infidels who must have their heads detached from their bodies. Such joyousness!


Not all muslims, right? Did every muslim you ever met indicate that they wanted to kill you?


Only when I mentioned I liked bacon for breakfast.


If you're a righteous muslim, that's one of your core beliefs.




Deuteronomy 17 instructs the murder of non-believers. Is that one of your righteous core beliefs? Or do you pick and choose what parts of the bible to obey just as most muslims are picky about what they conform to?


Most Christians follow Jesus and the New Testamente though, not Deuteronomy. That would be more a Jewish thing I think.


I think she just wore the towel to get hired over everyone else.I would think no one else in the hiring room had one on.


So are they really christians then? I mean we are always being told to behave per the ten commandments.

How stupid does a person have to be to believe that christians are allowed to pick and choose the parts of the bible they believe in but muslims are some sort of mindless drones who kill per their book?


Well having her in the movie saved them from having to hire two lesbians to be in the room holding hands. A definite money saving thing.


I just watched it again and saw her. I'm not sure why a muslim would want to be in a ghost movie they don't believe in. Maybe she isn't a muslim but wore the hijab to get hired so the movie not casting her would be called racist.


Are ghosts a thing in any major religion?




Lol, dude is a zombie.


I love that conservatives live in your head rent free. Nobody said a thing about it, yet you're getting worked up over it on nobody's behalf. Lol, this is exactly why Bill Maher is constantly bashing the left now, because we have it so good, they now create shit to get upset about. 🤣 You all are just a laughing stock now.


It is amusing I agree.
