Should I bother with S2?

S1 was alright, it was really boring though. Just like most Netflix shows I watch. Maybe i'm just getting old but the writing on these shows is really ameteurish and predictable.


I don't know. I loved season 1 so we may not be seeking for the same things. Season 2 has a different tone to it at time and at least one particular "risky" experiment episode.


I liked season 2 more. It feels more cinematic in tone. Not as eerie, more action packed. It would be like comparing Alien to Aliens. Or a novel to a comic book. Much broader in the way they're stretching out the universe. You may not like that, but I found it made for a more enjoyable season.


If you already have Netflix, you might as well start watching the show and if you don't like it, stop watching it. Why go by what anonymous people on the internet have to say?


If you didn't like Season one that much and even thought it was really boring, then I don't know why you would even bother asking this question. I personally liked season two, but I didn't think it was as good as the first season. So my answer is don't bother watching it.


Well... On rare occasions... Continue watching a show that you found boring at beggining, could actually worth it. Of course usually if at the beggining you didn't like a concept, it's quite unlikely that you will further in the process. But sometimes (it happened to me) it could be a nice experience. Of course it all depends on how much you care about your time.


If you didn't like season one, don't bother with season two. It is more of the same.

This is from someone who enjoys Stranger Things but understands some people may rather watch NCIS or Matlock reruns.


If you didn't like season one, you won't like season 2. Perhaps you are getting old. Stranger Things Season One was a goo story that was well told. Netflix can't make movies, but they can turn out the occasional good scripted series.


Season 2 was the best of the three.
