MovieChat Forums > Stranger Things (2016) Discussion > Is 80s nostalgia justified?

Is 80s nostalgia justified?

I feel like the 80s gets a lot of attention but the 90s was pretty much saying that the 80s was just one big bad joke, full of men wearing short shorts, women with shoulder pads, "rock" groups of men in drag and overly positive music in general.

The 90s brought a touch of realness back to people's lives.

It was great in terms of video games, kids cartoons and a few good movies but the 90s kid in me can see through this nostalgia and be like "dude, the 80s were a joke!"


The 80s was far more diverse than that, there were plenty of alternative and underground movements. The point is moot anyway since the 80s/90s are one linear ride before things went pear-shaped.


Who said nostalgia needed to be justified.

Every decade looks down on the one immediately prior until another decade goes by and that decade is looked back on fondly again.

In the 70s there was fifties nostalgia even though the old fifties icons had all but disappeared in the past ten years
In the 80s it was sixties nostalgia after it had been left behind as passe
Glam and the seventies returned during the 90s after being derided for the ten years before that
And so on.

The truth is that 90s nostalgia has never taken off and is about ten years overdue now,

The 90s might have been more "real" at the time. But nobody wants a return to old "real"ism.

There was a lot of great music in the 90s but not much else to recommend it or make it stand out like previous decades. Hence why 80s nostalgia is still riding high.


90s nostalgia exists, mostly for the great video gaming era, both arcade and consoles. It really was a golden age and an end of an era.

The music was okay but not as memorable or as enduring as 80s music.

In many ways, a lot of things about the 90s never went out of fashion, like the sporting fashions. You wear a pair of nice sneakers from the 90s and you'll fit right in.
