MovieChat Forums > Doctor Foster (2016) Discussion > With a friend like Ros, who needs enemie...

With a friend like Ros, who needs enemies??? *possible spoilers*

For a person claiming to be Gemma's friend, she's doing really crappy job. She seems closer to Simon (and on his side) than Gemma.

And telling Police she found meds in Gemma's purse... what a bi@tch!

This line does not exist.


Ros seemed to be pretty immature. She was heavily flirting with a younger doctor in the office, and at the groundbreaking ceremony she described giving a boy a handjob on the playground.

It's not much to go on, but it leads me to believe that Ros was herself somewhat promiscuous and had a flexible sexual morality. I don't think she took Gemma's concerns about Simon sleeping with a younger man seriously because from Ros' reference frame, it's just a good shag, nothing more.

I think this leads her not to loyalty to Simon per se, but just not relating to Gemma's intensity about being cheated on.


she bugged the shit out of me. some friend!
