Unfunny comedy

This is one of those movies which its admirers call a "dark" comedy or "dry" humor--which are euphemisms for "not really funny at all."


Actually it's really funny. I laughed a lot watching this.


Me too


I think to be entertained by the comedy, one has to be at least interested with the real situation in Stalin's Russia.

If you don't care about Stalin or Russia or circumstances that arise in a highly micromanaged country by a ruthless dictator you won't find anything funny.

Some situations look too absurd in the movie, like the way Stalin died and that nobody dared to interfere while he is obviously in the process of dying. And there were no good doctors left because Stalin distrusts doctors.

The funny thing is it's quite probable that it happened that way. Which is hillarious!


I didn't laugh a lot but did find the movie amusing and well made. Nice cast too.


Works for me. It's one of the funniest things I've seen in years.


Usually, yes, I'd agree that most things billed as "dark comedies" are "not funny".

In this case, though, I must disagree. I laughed so hard watching this that I couldn't breathe. The funeral scene? Steve Buscemi in the funeral scene! Come on, that's stellar.


I found it to be hilarious, and extraordinarily clever. This is among my favorite films of the past decade or so.


I actually agree with you. I didn't smile, chuckle or laugh one time when I watched this. It was the most unfunny "comedy" I've ever seen.

If it weren't for the sight of the hot Russian pianist in a few scenes it would have been a complete waste of time.


The more you know about the USSR, Stalinism, and his "entourage" the darker and funnier it gets, tbh


The first 1/3 had some really funny moments but after that the movie just became...boring. Sucks because by the end I hated it.
