Underated movie

Its brilliant


Yes it is.


Yes. I prefer my history more factually based, so I was wary watching it. But this is really good!

The terror of living under a man who has absolute power and it's black comedy potential seems to be a natural fit.

China, under it's current Chairman or one from the past (Mao) probably isn't much different.


I think one benefit to the satirical/comedy angle is that most people who watch won't walk out thinking that it's true-to-history, and they might go look up the actual events. Even some of the stuff that was based in truth (the guard not wanting to go into Stalin's room was apparently written because in real life he'd make weird noises and then berate guards for leaving their posts) seems unreal.

Can you imagine somebody with the stones to make a movie ripping on China right now?


That is a good point that I haven't thought of, a primer for curiosity.

There might be some directors who are willing to take on a good script taking aim at China..but I doubt any studios would touch it...for now.


I've looked up a lot of stuff - history, science, what have you - because of films. It's lead to some interesting discoveries over the years.

Yeah, a studio would be the main thing, but they won't risk it. It's too big of a market. But how glorious would it be?


yeah I'm not a big fan of most modern films but this one's actually really good
