MovieChat Forums > Bumblebee (2018) Discussion > Surprisingly has a ton of heart

Surprisingly has a ton of heart

There are scenes in this movie so gentle and touching where I was just like "Michael Bay would never allow that." I'm curious to see what this Travis Knight guy does next.

Have a short review of this movie if anyone is interested. Enjoy! Review here -


Heart and depth is something many (including yours truly) were expecting from Bumblebee based on the trailers and Travis Knight’s involvement alone. And indeed - Bumblebee brought all the heart you could ask for.

This is unequivocally one of the most touching movies ever to be associated with a blockbuster franchise. It’s very neat overall and it has a mind not like Bay’s movies (the slow bro crowd... they are too, well, bro for this... would have preferred more of the same, so of course they’ll hate it). Sure, Bumblebee’s story may be familiar, but the entire thing is so well done and endearing. Plus it’s a welcome change of pace for a Transformers movie.


Honestly, a little too much heart. I actually thought it was getting in the way of the movie. This is a Transformers movie. I wanted a little more action.


One of the biggest faults with this film was that 90% of the film was Charlie drama and the Transformers took a back seat. For the past 11 years I've heard criticism of that nature of the Transformers films, that the Transformers don't get enough spotlight, yet the worst offender is praised. The irony is much of what critics falsely claimed about Bay's films is actually true of Bumblebee, and they now all seem to love what they spent the past 11 years hating.


True dat.


I disagree completely. I didn't feel any genuine heart in this. Seemed more like ready made cliches intended to appear like heart to undiscerning viewers. An example would be how they harp on Charlie's dad but the only example of their relationship we ever see is a few seconds on one of her diving tapes. Why would we be compelled by her fixation on her father when we're never shown what was so special about their relationship that she can't move past it?

It was forced melodrama and felt like something an AI would formulate to attempt to appeal to human emotion. Charlie-bot is executing sadness program, unable to perform function after loss of parental unit.

Compare this to say Age of Extinction where they spend a good chunk of time developing Wahlberg's relationship with his daughter. The idea that the Bay films didn't have heart is silly and untrue, they definitely did it better than this film.


I did love the relationship of Charlie and Bumblebee. Hailee was great in this. Also enjoyed the music a lot.


This movie for sure has a pretty great soundtrack. It’s interesting how a lot of the songs served a purpose — they were cleverly used. I loved it.


Yeah, like the nod to the animated Transformers movie when Bumblebee briefly played The Touch by Stan Bush to encourage her to dive. I'm a sucker for movies that use music well.
